Compressor settings


New member
I have the alesis 3630. Can anyone out there give me any standard sttings to work with for electric guitar, accoustic guitar, electric bass. I've had this unit for a while now and basically mess with the controls until i get a pleasing sound, "by ear" approch has done me no wrong yet, but it would be nice to know the basic settings if there are any or is a by the ear thing.
How can you argue with what works? Go to the Alesis website for a very simple tutorial concerning compressors.

A compressor is a tool. It has so many applications that there is really no way to say that there is any "standard" settings. The only thing that is standard concerning compressors is that you will ultimately use one while recording and or mixing. Other than that, the settings are specific to what you are trying to do with a sound, and what that sound is like. What works for one person may not work for you.

So, if you are getting good results using your ears to set a compressor, well, you are doing it exactly like the big boys do.... :)

Good luck.

Ed Rei
Echo Star Studio