compressor set up


New member
hey just curious, someone tols me cant do this..... tell me what u think. I have my drums mic'd up with seven seperate mics. before running them into my recorder i want to run them through a multichannel compressor ( one mic in each channel) . can i do this? or rather, is this the best way to do this. i dont have enuff inserts and channels to do it the other way. i have heard that is better, but i am not sure if it is better for sound quality or ease of use. thanx
Compressors are usually setup to handle line level signals and not mic level. You can't plug the mics directly into a compressor input. You need a mic preamp to be the first thing in the chain.
so running them into the mixer and out the inserts would be okay then?

Yeh. The way it works is the signal goes from the mic into the preamp. Then if you use inserts which you do in this case, it goes from the preamp out of the insert and into the effects processor (eg. compressor) Then through the same cable the effected signal comes back into the insert and continues down the channel path.

Make sure you have the right cable. you need a TRS Y split. It's like a stereo plug on one end. The other end is split up into two mono plugs. One mono plug goes into the input of the compressor and the other mono plug goes into the output to get the signal back to the mixer.
