Compressor Preamp ?


New member
'm using the q10's preamps only when recording, from what I understand they are AOK and I don't have enough reference to compare it to much else. My price range isn't that high though was considering the PreSonus TubePre Microphone Pre-amp or ART TPS Tube Pre-amp System or the Behringer VX2000 Ultra-Voice® Pro. I will be micing the guitar and using the Triaxis for Bass, I have nothing for vocals.

Are the hardware pre's above going to improve my recordings significantly over the q10 pre amps?

I also am looking at a compressor, I am using Sonar xl 2 Rick Rubin Cakewalk compressor review wasn't so bad. I have the Waves Power Pack but I've been told you shouldn't use this on say vox that you will need like waves vox to apply to individual tracks. I am guessing that applying the compression with software is not as effective as hardware Comp prior to input into PC or AD conversion.

I am considering:Blue Max Compressor

Would you recomend another pre and not just the q10,
Are hardware compressors more effective than software at this price range?
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I always thought the Q10's preamps were quite good. Pretty much on par with the mackie's. But it's hard to compare because they have differnet sounds. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to get a different sounding pre. But i think considering the quality of the Aardvark pre's, and the quality of other low end stand alone pre's, it wouldn't really give you an improvement. Just a different flavor to add to your recording arsenal, which is good! But maybe not your first priority? An RNP or Grace 101 or something like that i'm sure would upgrade your signal chain, but also add a different flavour.
Thank you Ambi, Would you happen to know if the L1 Ultramaximizer can be used, with good results on individual tracks and again as a mastering tool post mix or is this not suggested?
In your budget range for mic pre, the Studio Projects VTB-1
sounds best.
You may also want to consider the Fmr. Audio RNC that will generally outperform any of the other choices listed here.
It's available at with a two year warranty.
(normal warranty is one year)

The Presonus Blue Max is a good sounding compressor, however,
it's not quite in the RNC's class. The RNC is generally considered to be the best compressor under $1000 by many pros.
A great complement to the RNC are the Joe Meek compressors
to add "color".

bullyhill said:
Are the hardware pre's above going to improve my recordings significantly over the q10 pre amps?

Probably not a damn bit.

I have the Waves Power Pack but I've been told you shouldn't use this on say vox that you will need like waves vox to apply to individual tracks. I am guessing that applying the compression with software is not as effective as hardware Comp prior to input into PC or AD conversion.

I have no idea where you heard this. :D It's quite common to track and then compress with plugins, if that's what you're saying. I'm not sure if your Power Pack has the RCL (Renaissance Compressor/Limiter), but if so, then play with that a bit. I know of lots of guys who get pretty good results with it. Start with the presets and tweak them from there (particularly on Vocals, you'll want a little more attack time, etc).

I am considering:Blue Max Compressor

I'm sorry to hear that.

Would you recomend another pre and not just the q10, Are hardware compressors more effective than software at this price range?

If you were asking about Reverbs and/or effects, I'd say yes. But with compression it's largely a matter of personal taste. The RNC is always good to have around, and the Joemeek can add some interesting textures. As far as preamps go, the ones you got are fine for now. There's not really a clearcut "step up" out there that I know of within a reasonable price range.

I'd say go with what you got . . . maximize it, milk it for what it's worth, etc. If and/or when you get to the point where you're running in to limitations, you'll know it, and you won't have to post questions on this forum to figure it out. :D
I use the waves L1 ultramaximizer myself. I just use it on an entire mix but if it works for you, go ahead and use it on an individual track. I don't because it kind of squishes the dynamic range a bit depending on how heavy you use it. If you really push an individual track with the L1, limiting the peaks and really pushing the volume up, and then you do it again to the whole track at mixdown it may get a bit excessive. I just mix everything the best i can, but it's usually at a really low level, and then use the L1 to bring the overall volume up so that it is balanced. I find i can turn the mix anywhere from 2-4 Db up on the master bus before i get any clipping, i guess everything is mixed quietly. So i can push my limiter to about a threshold of -3 or -4 before my transients even hit 0dba. So if i set it the threshold to about -6.5 dba i can get a good raise in volume without too many dynamic problems.
Oh and i think i may have used the blue plugins, they are free right? I didn't find them to be very good, and i find the waves to be a lot better. I use the waves q10 eq and the waves c1 compressor on a lot of my individual tracks. I don't know if this is taboo but it gives me good results. If it is taboo i think maybe the reason is because they take up a lot of resources. I have many of them running without too many problems, but i have a decently fast system. the c1 is a great compressor i find. Personally i'm trying to find a good reverb. I've used the timeworks and i don't like it too much, and i've used the waves trueverb and didn't like it much at all either. I find the one i've liked the best is the 3.0 reverb built into logic audio platinum 5.
Maybe i'm just not good at using reverb? I guess i don't know which settings to use to get that nice gentle reverb sound.
The TC's generally sound a bit thinner/clearer than the Lexicon's.
Not meant as a better/worse comment, this can come down to a matter of taste. Same old cliche-"try before you buy".
Or get both! :)

Thanks all

Chess nice break down, now I know that:
I don't need to buy one of the above pre's and get to save some

Man I should get the Renaissance Compressor/Limiter, it didn't come with the Power Pack...Darn.

Blue Max Compressor will stay at G.Center.

Yeah, It seems like you all like that RNC, I'm going to have to look at the price and return some 5 cent deposits this weekend.

Ambi you don't compress at all while tracking, I have major problems with the vocals, I am going to get a pop screen first and try again fri. I will soon post this disaster of a first attempt in the mixing section and take notes.
So what do you guys compress with while tracking?
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bullyhill said:

Ambi you don't compress at all while tracking

So what do you guys compress with while tracking?

Is it just me or do those contradict each other? Are you stating that generally compression should not be done while tracking? Or are you saying, so ambi you don't compress at all while tracking? Sorry i'm not picking appart your gramar, mine is terrible. I was just unclear.

I do no compress while tracking because i have no external compressor. But i would like to buy an RNC to use for a bit of compression while tracking.
Sorry...I meant:
So your saying that you don't use any compression while traking?
What do the rest of you use?

Grammer not my strong point or home recording:D
I don't use much compression when tracking. A little on drums (kick & snare) when tracking but that's about it. My thoughts on tracking with compression; it's easy to add compression, it's a motherfucker to take it off.
I haven't gotten to recording live drums yet, I'm sure that will be a whole new adventure. Our singer is very hmm...lets say he has a very dynamic vocal style that comes off good when live. I tried recording him the other day and I must have spent 2 hrs just editing little tiny pieces of his words to get the clip light off. I see that b.sab had good things to say about the pop screen, I guess that may help considering my guy has no mic control at all but trying to teach that old dog new tricks isn't going well. I am hoping compression/limiter will help. I am going to try the renissance vox comp, it's a free 14 day trial.