Compressor/Limiter - Recommendations???


New member

Can anyone recommend a good Compressor / Limiter that wont cost me a fortune? Cheers!

Before you get any flames, I'll jump in and suggest the FMR audio RNC. It's very nice, except maybe on bass. It is stereo, can be used for mono signal (but not independent dual mono signals), and is very higly recommended. Nice and transparent. Not as flexible (ie. not as many knobs and lights) as other cheap comps (behringer and the like), but sounds better. Not really able to act as a brickwall limiter. US $175.

This is a good deal.


P.S. Someone will tell you to use the search function
I love my DBX 266 XL. It's a fantastic compressor/limiter/gate/expander, and easily compares or beats higher priced models in sound. Balanced 1/4 and XLR inputs, and an side-jack for adding an EQ for de-essing. Hard-knee/soft-knee control (they call soft-knee "over-easy.") Stereo operation, or duel mono. It will not color the audio at all in my opinion. Totally clean sound to it, very smooth.

The drawback is the attack/release controls do not list the times. It's just notch marks but I really don't consider it too big a deal. I go by my ears, not the numbers. Another drawback is there are no LEDs for the input, nor any switch to change the output LEDs into an "input" mode. I kind of like seeing the sound levels to compare before/after.

Another drawback is there is no "peak mode" selection, as it uses strictly RMS circuitry. While it's nice to have both, I personally would never use peak limiting anyway as one overly loud signal would cause the results to not be what you are shooting for.

But considering the prices I see for this machine, it's worth every penny. Boy, I sound like a damn add.

I have an Avalon AD2044 That I like. I know they are very expensive new, but I got a smoking deal on it on ebay. I probably would suggest looking at a universal audio LA2A or a Distressor.