Compressor Input and Output settings?


New member
I'm trying a few compressor plugins for mixing guitar tracks. I was wondering if there is a correct method of setting these levels. I assume you set the output so that it compensates for what's lost. How do you go about setting the input level? Should it always be lower than the output level? Everything else about compression I understand.
The correct method is using the correct level for the situation.

I assume you set the output so that it compensates for what's lost.
Eh, I'd say pretty rarely.

How do you go about setting the input level?
It has an input level...? Usually it would just be the level of source.

Should it always be lower than the output level?
The input level would usually wind up being higher than the output level, unless you're using make-up gain (again, if needed for some reason, there it is).
It has an input level...? Usually it would just be the level of source.

Yes, I'd say about half of the compressor plugins I have seen have two levels; one for I the other for O. Ditto for many EQ's. Currently using Focusrite plugs for both. I'm pretty sure the 1066 I used to have had separate I/O levels as do some compressor pedals (Trace Elliot). I guess I should leave it at 12 O'clock... huh? I know I'm being anal here, it's just the way I am.