Compressor as Pre-Amp?


New member
I recently purchased a DBX 566 dual compressor on ebay at a rather nice price. . I think i am eventually going to invest in a 586 dual pre so i will in effect have two gold channels. . however, i have a question. .

Can the compressor be used as a pre-amp by itself? I mean, besides the lack of phantom power, it seems to have all the necessary connections and whatnot to plug a microphone straight in, and i know it could be used as a direct in for other instruments. . so i am wondering if i supply phantom power, and assuming i want compression (which in most cases I am going to want), if i can use this as a preamp with the addition of a phantom power supply?
Yes and No

You could crank up the output gain, but this is not even close to ideal. It will screw up your S/N ratio something fierce and leave you no room for adjustment. I wouldn't recommend doing it even if you were in a pinch (that doesn't mean that I haven't done it though:))

Tom Cram
dbx Senior Technical Support
(801) 568-7530

"Jazz, pfffft...They just make it up as they go along."
-Homer Simpson-