Compressing Vocal/guitar Trax in Audition 1.0


New member
Hey all,

Can anyone tell me how to compress vocal/guitar trax in Audition 1.0. I'm a total doof when it comes to this stuff. I'm just a folksinger here. haha...

I hope I'm even asking the correct questions. Basically, when I'm recording my vocals, when I hit a high note, it's of course louder than when I sing softer. How do I get it all to be the same level. This is compression correct???

thanks in advance,
Yep, that's compression. You should be able to open your vocal track in the editing screen portion of Audition. Goto your menu items, and under your effects list, you should have compression of some kind (Im not exactly sure what kind of compression Audition comes with by default). Preview it, and listen to it, if you think you have it, apply it to the track. That should be it.