Composition of first "release."


New member
Okay folks, here's the cunnundrum:

What should a first release (a demo I suppose) consist of?? Should there be mostly covers with some original? Should it be mostly original with some covers? Should it be all original and NO covers? If I'm going to try to sell it should I leave the covers out or should I shell out the money to use the covers? Just looking for some input here.

*does Johnny 5 voice* Neeeeeeeeed Inputtttttt
--Tax :D
My own opinion...

...unless you have something vastly different to offer in the way of a creative arrangement of a cover, the last thing the world needs is a new take on an old Duran Duran, Bowie, or Beatles song - or that tune by (plug-in any band's name here).

There's plenty of original music left to write for everyone, so why fall back on a cover - especially on a CD release of your own works!

But that's just me...

...and me!

If you're in something of a bar-band and intend to use the demo strictly as a sampler to get gigs, then recording covers will likely be worth your while. In any other situation, its essentially wasted energy.

In sum, I completely agree with this newbie simpleton called Blue Bear Sound.:D