Complete numpty


New member
This is my first post here, so please bear with me.

I am a guitarist and have been recording at home for a while using a Boss 864 8 track recorder. I take existing songs and turn then into much heavier type of 'anthems', imagine Abba meets Rammstein and you are on the money. I record all the parts myself with a range of stringed instruments ranging from single coil to humbucker, 12 string and mandolin, plus a cheapish Yamaha keyboard and a Yamaha drum pad.

Whilst I really enjoy the whole process, the 864 is fantastically complicated and despite having had it for over a year, it still demands I have to break out the instructions every time I want to do something a little bit outside the box. Add to this, everything is so demanding in terms of having to repeat identical phrases over and over, the odd mistake usually means I redo the whole part again etc etc etc. So with this in mind, I have decided to dip my toe into desktop recording and despite working in computing, I have zero experience of such a medium.

So my question is very simple, where is the best place to start, which software is good for a beginner, preferably one with a built in drum machine? I have access to just about every processed sound and effect so would simply like to slap a 6 string into the back of one of my PC's and start recording - an overview of the basics and any other advice would be most welcome - thanks.
It looks like you can transfer tracks from the Boss to a PC using USB. You may also be able to use the Boss for a soundcard through the SPDIF and an adaptor card.

You can try ntracks for free and you should be able to at least record tracks to the Boss and transfer to ntracks. This will give you a feel for PC based recording.