comparing two very different speaker sets, for my needs


New member
alright so im down to one of two speaker sets, and this isnt another thread comparing two extremely similar sets. i do about 60% of my work eletronica, producing on the computer, and its really bass-intensive. the other 40% is jamming with buddies (im a guitarist and bassist, learning drums), having friends bands come over and record a few songs. My biggest thing thought is producing electronica. i do it several hours a day at minimum, and thats what i really want to go somewhere with.

choice a) a pair of KRK V4 series 2. $500 for the pair

pros: fairly well regarded, accurate sound, not a lot of bass, but accurate bass.
cons: a lot of money for not much bass response, not much wattage.

choice b) logitech Z-5500 setup (5.1) $400 for the set

pros: my friend has some and they sound good to my ears, his mixes translate well. comes with 10" woofer, lots of wattage (62 watts rms for each satellite, 188 watts rms for the sub), wouldnt have to upgrade if i decide to mix in 5.1.

cons: i guess since these are hi-fi speakers they might not be very accurate especially in the mids.

a few questions:
is it true that these logitechs are the exact same speakers (besides the name) that alesis sells as their 5.1 monitors?

does the THX certification have any significance, and why or why not?

if my friend who mixes on the logitechs can get his mixes to translate (extremely well in my opinion), will i be able to as well (assuming I get to know them well)?

why should pick one or the other?

im really really tempted to get the logitechs, but im sure there are good arguments both ways.