comparing sennheiser vocal dynamics


New member

i recently played a gig at a venue that had senn e835's and was pleasantly surprised to find that they suited my voice really well--i'm a somewhat baritoney tenor and my vocals get pretty wordy, so in the past i've found that 58's and 57's end up sounding a little muddy and boomy whereas the senn seemed to have more upper mid and sibilant clarity.

anyway, i'm thinking of sinking money into one, but was wondering if anyone has had experience with the whole evolution 800 line, and if anyone could give comparisons between any or all of the 835, 845, 855 and 865. why would you use one over the other, aside from cost?

Read this article.

IMO, he is dead on. I have used most of these mics and I did like the high end clarity of the e855, but found it to be somewhat shrill (with my voice, at least) at times. So, i got 4 e845s and I love them. I actually like them more than my SM58s.
super, thanks...

so would it be safe to say that if i was liked the 835 and didn't care about the extra cash, that i'd be that much happier with an 845?

thanks again.
okay, i guess i just answered my own question--looks like it's just different patterns from the 835 to the 845... so, lower feedback/room sound pickup as the tradeoff for having to make sure that the vocalist keeps his mouth in front of the mic? or is there more to it?
you're somewhat on the right track. the vocalist may have to be more careful about how he sings (but then again, if he is singing like 4 feet away, he has some other issues he needs to work out).
From what I have heard, the e835 is a jazzed up version of the 825. The e845 is the less-bright version of the e855. better to have something that was refined from a higher model.

I would say the 845 would be worth the small price difference.
i've got several 835's and i like them on my voice FAR better than an sm58, and for all of the reasons you noted. there are a couple guys in my band where the 58 sounds better, and one guy who is best suited with an EV 357. different voices need different mics.

i'd go try an 835, 845 and 855 and see which one you like best. i'm quite happy with the 835s, though, and they do nicely on snare and guitar cabs, too.

e series mics

I love the e835 as a replacement for sm58 on vocals. I have yet to find a situation where the Senny didn't work better. OK, for heavy road use, the SM58's are probably more rugged. But you can afford to carry a few extra mics if you are doing road work.

The 865 is just plain wonderful. It isn't a dynamic mic, it is a condenser with a great smooth pattern. Unless you are a deep baritone voice, it will do a fine job. I believe it is the mic Sting uses on tour.
sloop said:
The 865 is just plain wonderful. It isn't a dynamic mic, it is a condenser with a great smooth pattern. Unless you are a deep baritone voice, it will do a fine job. I believe it is the mic Sting uses on tour.

Thats all I use except when the band pisses me off and asks for some SM58's then I downgrade them to E845's.

wilkee said:
Thats all I use except when the band pisses me off and asks for some SM58's then I downgrade them to E845's.

I personally dont think thats a downgrade. Vise versa would be true for me.
JazzMang said:
I personally dont think thats a downgrade. Vise versa would be true for me.

Yes, Mr Noisy Dude would agree with you on that one.
For some the 865's lack character but I find that it allows me to dial in the EQ as I see fit, but I agree the 845's are a pretty good mike as well. I am not going to make my life too difficult!!

835 is very similar to the 58 with a very little bit more up top so a bit more clarity.
845 is a great mic - one of my favourite dynamics. Supercardioid, a bit more proximity effect, warm but clear and has more top end.
855 - I pretty much hate this mic, t's thin and brittle. I don't know what it's doing in this range. Might work well for the odd person, but for every person it suits you're going to find about 50 which it sounds bad on. It'll do at a puch but there are a shed load of dynamics I'd take before that one given the choice.
865 - awesome mic for a good vocalist. Really clear and lifelike but smooth as well.

My favourites in the range are the 845 and the 865 - which one is best depends on the vocalist really.

I'd actually think the whole range is more rugged than a 58 - the grills are much tougher and have a more robust design.

Downside for those in the states is that they're a bit pricier over there, but in Europe you can get an e845 for less than a SM58 so there's no contest really.
