compacting audio files

wandering dog

New member
hello to all, when useing the compact audio command in cakewalk to put all project data in a single file, does it make a copy thereby doubling the size of my project in the wave data folder?
when you use compactaudio it takes all the files you are currently using and puts them in one single file - better for playback - it will increase (but not necessarily double) your files but you can then use Clean Audio Disk to remove the unused files (old versions of the files)

thanks for your reply john, thats pretty much what the manual says... but when the compact audio command turns it into a single file, does the clean audio disk command automatically recognize the "old versions" as unused and ready for deleting?... what if other projects are useing some of these files?... is there a downside to compacting audio into a single file? it practical to use this command at various intervals over the course of a project, or maybe just at the end to put all the ducks in a row?...up until now,if my project starts to bog down and files have become scattered, i make it into a bundle file, open it back up, make it into a work file, and throw out the old work file. is that just a tedious way to do what the compact audio command is designed to do???...thats a lot of questions ... thanks to any and all that will venture a reply to any of them.