compact flash card


New member
Recently there was a thread that discussed the type of compact flash card to order for the MR8. I have a SanDisk compact flash card but it doesn't allow mixing and recording to .wav files. The recording skips and just gets all messed up when boucing the tracks. I remember that the problem had to do with the compact flash card's ability to do real time recording, or something like that. Could someone suggest the best compact flash card to purchase? Thanks!
maraisa said:
Recently there was a thread that discussed the type of compact flash card to order for the MR8. I have a SanDisk compact flash card but it doesn't allow mixing and recording to .wav files. The recording skips and just gets all messed up when boucing the tracks. I remember that the problem had to do with the compact flash card's ability to do real time recording, or something like that. Could someone suggest the best compact flash card to purchase? Thanks!
I have a SanDisk in mine and I don't have those problems.
Two things:
1) Did you update the MR-8 software on the Fostex website?
2) Did you format the card before you started recording?

If the answer is yes to those questions, you probably got a bad card. I've had a 512mb SanDisk card in my MR-8 for almost a year, and I've never had a problem with it.
usse at your own risk

right there it is, not only is it not confirmed , but they mention it specifically as not usable with the mr8, it may work for now,.. but if something goes wrong and you loose your work.... probably end up with a goofy file error number
you might find some more info on CF cards for your mr8 here:

skipping and stuff on bounce is a problem w/ the compatabilty of the mr8 and the CF card, but there is a software update for the mr8 that might cure it. I haven't gotten around to that update, but I think others here have, not sure how many cards it cured.

then again a lot of us are using Sandisk cards, I just remembered that I have one. :) What size? when did you get it? Mine works w/ the older software and it's a 512 mb.
seems as appropriate as inappropriate a place to mention: Got my Kingston 512 for $15 after rebate.

Even though it took nearly three months for the rebate to arrive...

Sweet deal nonetheless...
The 1.2.0 blah blah blah update was supposed to be a fix for cards that were formally not usable with the MR-8. Like I said, I've had that SanDisk for a year, and I haven't had a problem with it. Knock on wood!
I am going to try to find a 2Gb card before too long. I've got 512Mb right now, but I want more.
Gimme more; more I tell you! More!

Oh, sorry....
Well, roughly $15, I think it actually may have ended up being $20 or so, but I didn't mention that to my wife.

$33 - $15 rebate + S&H. Something like that...
cellardweller said:
Well, roughly $15, I think it actually may have ended up being $20 or so, but I didn't mention that to my wife.

$33 - $15 rebate + S&H. Something like that...
So you're buying the beer, huh? :D
cellardweller said:
Rokket, I think I may have asked before, but where are you originally from?
I was born in North Dakota, but I grew up in Washington State, North of Spokane. I joined the Navy in 1985 (damn that was a long time ago! :eek: ), and when I left home, I didn't go back until 1997...There ain't much there to hold my interest.
The language barrier aside, this is a great place to live. Where I am at (Sasebo), it's really quiet. The crime rate is almost non-existant (75% of the crime commited here is by stupid Americans), and it's considered one of the best places to raise children.
The downside to that is there isn't much to do here. If you don't have a family, you are left with drinking in the local pubs (most of them are no bigger than a broom closet) or travelling 2 or 3 hours to a city with "larger" clubs.
Karaoke is big here of course. Every bar in the city has a karaoke machine. I've never heard so many butchered songs in my life (makes me feel good about my recording), but it's cool. It's supposed to be for fun...
I heard so much about the electronics over here, but really it's no different than anywhere else. There are some things that you can't find anywhere else, but I figure that if I get it and leave here, there won't be any tech support or anything else.
The cost of living is pretty steep here, an example: one apple can cost about $3.00 US...

Anything else you want to know, just ask....
Do the japanese chicks dig caucasian/americans?
I'm considering a vacation... without my wife... :D

(especially caucasian americans who play guitar :D :D )

Are "Teen Titans" popular over there (Japanese animation, isn't it?)? My 4 year old son kinda turned me on to them, and now I think they are the shit... right along with spongebob! :eek:
cellardweller said:
Do the japanese chicks dig caucasian/americans?
I'm considering a vacation... without my wife... :D

(especially caucasian americans who play guitar :D :D )

Are "Teen Titans" popular over there (Japanese animation, isn't it?)? My 4 year old son kinda turned me on to them, and now I think they are the shit... right along with spongebob! :eek:
The answers to both are yes...... and yes.....

Especially if you play guitar!

Teen Titans in Japanese is a hoot if you're drunk and/or stoned.... :D