Commonly used sayings that should be song lyrics?


It is a life preserver
Anybody have any good ones they wanna throw out? For me, I like it when they use a common saying in pop music. I have heard many and thought that "*" could be song.

said and done
easy come easy go
stay 6 feet apart
blinded by the light
objects in mirror MAY appear closer than..That one changed after Jurrassic Park, with the charging T Rex in the jeeps side view. The mirror print was changed to ARE for the movie as an effect because of the dinosaur. The MAY only exists as residual memory now. Check out Meat loafs songs about it on Bat Out a Hell II, 'Objects in rear view MAY appear closer than they are'. Written by a famous composer, who did a slew of hits including Total eclipse of the Heart. He did not get it wrong and its not false memory.

Jurrassic Park 1993
Meat Loaf's Bat outa Hell II 1993

1993 was the last year for MAY on mirrors. Yet there is no proof they ever existed ..Isnt that strange?
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I think some guy named Bruce from New Jersey used the phrase "Blinded By The Light" a few years back for a song. Then some English bloke named Manfred made it a hit record.
Gee, what an original idea!

Easy Come Easy Go - Bobby Sherman
Said and Done - Bad Omens
6 Feet Apart - Luke Combs

Not sure I would call Jim Steinman a 'famous composer'. Pretty much unknown outside musician circles and Meat Loaf fans.
I wanted to know what he would not do? He said anything for love, but I wont do that? What is 'that'? Genius song writing.

Obviously she wanted to take him with a strap on, and he would not do anal. No pegging.

There is another way to look at this(always..). In Star Trek V the Final Frontier Bones says while singing Row Row Row your boat with Spock at a campfire, "The words aren't important, it's that it makes you feel good when you sing it'. So true.

The English language is meaningless, so we dress it up with a melody and catchy beat. It almost means something.
To prove its meaningless.

Calderian Crows can be bred in captivity. Falconeers choose them over other aviary because of there ability to speak the English language. After 20-30 years of captivity and training, they can have conversations in english with their owners. They will converse on their terms with their demands. FACT.

No other animal, or anything can speak to humans. In English. Chimps can sign, supposedly . Dennis Mckenna took LSD and communicated with Dolphins in the 60's...In his mind he did..
Being able to mimic sounds is not the same as speaking a language. The same as if you can play Stairway to Heaven doesn't mean your as good as Jimmy Page!
The ravens are the only birds that associate sounds. Parrots and Cockatoos, mockingbirds and parakeets, just make noises. I'm not a zoologist, but this dude I know is.

Crows make tools, an have problem solving skills.

Anyways, yes I can be just as good as Jimmy Page. If he plays a G chord, so can I. And his is none better.

I feel sad that recording is ,,, a secret chain of effects and settings you need to buy. I just want to press record. That red button that looks like a Japanese flag .
You may be able to play a G chord that sounds the same or copy Jimmy's riffs, but can you create your own that are as good, was my point. You don't need to buy a ton of stuff to be able make good recordings, it's knowledge on how to use the tools you have. Remember Sgt. Pepper was made on a 4 track without all the digital BS available today!
Yes, but what does one do when that knowledge runs out? If its secrets, and nobody is telling you. That totally sucks, and I will loose interest, blame everyone else, and want to kill them because of time wasted. Music is the most noble pursuit, and to be held out purposefully from the finished product is a cowards act. Come and fight me on common ground, type thing, and bring your best level of skill.

Every now and again I am back at the thing, recording something. Mostly a couple minutes of doodles. I would still like it to sound like the radio. Why even sell something that doesnt!

This is where I am at with that. No effects are used. Not sure if it is because of covid isolation but the lyrics are slow to be coming. Any phrases you heard that you want to shout out?

Sundayafternoonjam by Mark C | Free Listening on SoundCloud
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Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.

Hunter S. Thompson.

The rig, through a 609, into the Apollo.


Bass rig


Even a real drum machine

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Here is a small jam, I fired it up again.

This time I used a HPF and LPF on all 3 tracks and added slow compression. Eq is +8-10 on the treble knob. down -4 on Low mid knob. Flat elsewhere.

If you know how to make it sound like a studio I would like suggestions . To even get some of the air and width of those two hair band Youtube videos I would be much happier.

Adding effects doesnt seem to help my jams..

WedJamOnTues by Mark C | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Lets do something new. I know gates, comnpressors , EQ's...Lets filterbank the thing...See what that does.

Vocoded at 20 percent mix.
Vocodedat20percent by Mark C | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Vocodedat50percent by Mark C | Free Listening on SoundCloud
too loud? turned down main , reduced bass instrunment , removed 1 drum beat in measure.
B - 015 by Mark C | Free Listening on SoundCloud

Does Rea Vocoder even do anything without a guide note? I never read the directions on any of the VSTs. I have no idea how they function.

I could tape the mic, against the cabinet. Get it closer for more definition. You guys have your mic touching the grill?

When I was in the studio, I do not remember any of the amps against the walls. Should I move them in to the middle of the room?

The single EQ was almost dimed already. So I fed the thing through the EQ twice. It came alive. Mono in the Left, out and back into the right. Letting them channels multiply Q against each other. EUREKA?
EQdTwice by Mark C | Free Listening on SoundCloud


I cannot be bargained with
I cannot be reasoned with
I do not feel pity or remorse
And I absolutely will not stop
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Damn thats hot..Some sort of sexy plant starfish happening here. We would sing and dance around...Because we know we cant be found!


Hey man, I like to kick it
Im a Karate Guy!
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You know I dont know what any of this means, but I owned page 2.

In your special chains, tracks and mains, how many times are you bumping it with the EQ?

This is what it looks like. I tgink those areas are the most important on the EQ , because of the amount of graduating lines. Clues me in.

Annotation 2020-05-20 191637.webp

EDIT THIS IS FALSE and apparently has nothing to do with it!
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The reason why there are more graduating lines is because a logarithmic, not a linear, scale is being used.

You will note that up to 1k the graduations are in 100hz increments. From 1k upwards, the graduation are in 1k increments, because to continue with 100hz increments would make the lines too close together.