Coming out of the vocal closet


New member
I've always been terrified of doing vocals, but also hated having to work with other musicians on projects where I did everything. I finally 'went for it' and would like some feedback and critiques.

I am seriously considering vocal lessons because there is a lot Id like to do with my voice but I dont feel like I own it enough to go there.

Vocals are after the 2 min mark if you just want to hop to it.
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Honestly it sounds flat in a lot of places. You've buried the vocals so much it's a strain to hear them.
sounds a lot like "A Perfect Circle", except that you really buried the vocals - and voice should always come first in the mix. lyrics ARE the most important part of a sung song - that's why they are there, so let us listen ;)

except for that, I won't comment - I feel you put so many effects there, what we hear is not your real voice. but if you could pull this in studio, then I'm sure you got what it takes to go for one on one classes.
I concur with what's been said so far - the vocals need to be much louder in the mix. From what I could hear, try to release more breath when you sing. I don't mean make a breathy sound, but just use more air in your production. Holding it back as you do is causing you to get a tremolo (that really fast vibrato). In order to get a proper vibrato going, you'll have to work on singing a straighter tone with using more air for a while. Then when you can do that with ease, you can add more air in pulses from the diaphragm and pitch change that vibrato needs. Singing with vibrato should consume more air than straight tone, not less.
^ Ah see this is why Id like lessons, I know very little of technique. Thanks for all the advice so far. I mixed the vocals hot in some spots, but I agree they are not very present in the mix.
Actually, I heard some parts being sharp rather than flat. That being said, a lot of it was (realistically) close enough for a single take. Work out the minor, very minor, pitch issues and you'll have a very distinct voice that actually reminds me a lot of Fair to Midland. Just a little more robust. Sounds good, keep it coming :guitar:
I agree that you have something really cool going here. Though it is a bit tough to hear. I am surprised at the quality of the recording being so good, and yet the vocals sound thin and distant. I feel some more work needs to be done to the vocal track.

I would love to get my hands on the raw tracks of this tune.....