Combining first 2 songs on CD????


New member
I recorded a group this weekend... I will be doing some mixing for them this week and they asked a certain task of me:

They recorded an "intro" track which was about 20 seconds in length and they want this song to directly link to the next song, yet be different tracks. I understand the task and have seen this done before, but I have no clue how to do this. I ussually burn my CD's with a 2 second spacer between every track, so this custom configuration has got me stumped. Any advice or ideas would be very appreciated.--
Cloneboy Studio said:
Mix the songs together and place the song position pointer for track 2 right after the intro.
That was my plan as far as doing the task in the Pro Tools end of things. But when I go to burn the CD, how do I get ONLY track 1 and 2 to go together, yet have a space between the rest?