
Erich Arndt

New member
this is one of my first times recording with anyone else... i think it turned out pretty well... anyone care to give me some reviews?
beware of adult language and some mild sexual references..

also, if you like eminem, please don't listen to this song.

check out "This Is Me (That Song Again)"

(my friend did the verses, i did the choruses)

Cool tune! Great groove......!!!

Some recording/mix issues with the drums/cymbals, but really overshadowed by the humour and parody.... it could also have used more bass during the choruses........

Great job!
A satire. Anything this iconoclastic has to be good. The extreme compression on the vocals was disturbing... but sounded similar to that of the genre. Don't like gansta rap esp. either... but the content is very good. Thumbs up.
thanks a lot, guys... the compression on the verse vocals is something i wasn't so sure about myself and i can still undo that.. in the next couple of days, i hope to have another mix to let you guys in on...

The verses totally work. I like the clean cut white guy sound. Haha. The lo fi choruses need real drums and real cymbals and the vocals need more definition..EQ? Better mic? Better pre? Better guitars...I would try to make the chorus more interesting melodically and sonically and then it could be a hit. Also lose the ending ..."this is me and this is my song."

To be totally honest...I listened to it twice.

Good job.
I gotta say I love when real musicians make fun of all that "Sheep Music" on the radio,you get 5 stars from me my bro just for content alone...and the song rocked me.NICE JOB!!!:D
lol.. pretty good. Actually, I thought the verses sounded better than the chorus (sonically). It kinda sounds like two totally different songs intertwined. The vocals on the chorus could use to be a little more "up front", like they are in the verse. And the hard panning on the cymbals (especially hi-hat) wasn't workin' too well for me... maybe just taste, but I thought it detracted from the "feel" of the chorus.

I dig the nifty little effects you use (young girl's voice, swells, etc.) and the transition into the second chorus is pretty creative.
