Collab project needs fresh ears


New member
Hey yall, I've been working on mixing this for a while and I think my ears are bleeding at this point. There's 3 people contributing to the song, so I had no control over how the drums or the vocals were recorded. I just have to do what I can in post, Any advice? Thanks in advance!
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This sound really good. I am a beginner so take it with a grain of salt.

I think the vocals doesn't sit up. Instead of raising the volume, work with the EQ so that that the vocals cut through. Bring up the high end of the vocals with EQ (high shelf) or/and 5K area a bit.
I can totally help you to get those drums to sound more like the BB original if that is what you wish.

Another offer to mix the tracks if you desire. I would need an individual wav of each track with all effects turned off. Other than amp sims if used.
Nice work,

The second mix you put up is better, I still think the vocal is a touch dark, I think there may be some 3-400hz that's making them a touch murky. I'd look into cutting there or as someone else mentioned boost em a touch at 5-7k.

Good song, excellent performances.
Thanks for all the replies, I'll just work on the vocals a bit. No need to have you guys mix it for me. It's just a cover anyways, but Thanks!