Collab of my daughter (13) and myself


New member
Hi all,

Most of you don't know me, but I've been a member forever here. This is a song, that my daughter wrote. She did most of this stuff. The piano she played, and keep in mind she has not ever had one lesson. The melody of the verse, I wrote, but she wrote the chorus and bridge, as well as the words. Harmonies are written by me and she is always the lowest harmony.

We had a blast doing this together, we've never tried this. I think we'll be doing a lot more of it. Maybe even some videos soon...who knows.

Well, let us know how you think a 13 year old did here! I'm very proud of my baby!

Kirstin Frosheiser
First song, Called Goodnight.
Very cool that you and your daughter can share this kind of gift. You are both very talented.

The lyrics are very heartfelt and sincere. The harmonies blend nicely. The performance is great.

As far as the mix goes, I think the vocals had way to much reverb, and I'm a reverb freak. You sounded like you were singing in a cave. Didn't sound natural. Also, I heard a few pops, and what may have been autone artifacts. The piano sounded great.

That's it. Well done.
Yeah, on another forum, they said TOO MUCH REVERB. LOL. I'll tone that down. She played the piano and wrote it, so I'm giving her all credit for that. We need to maybe pan the harmonies on the verses too...everything is in the middle except the piano...which one other guy said I should do some panning.

But, to be fair, we did this in about 2 1/2 hours total. We didn't even have lyrics yet, so that all went pretty well, I think, and we are going to be good collaborators. I've always been jealous of how Chris Harris and Jaimee do their collabs. Now, I can do it too! Haha. But, Hayli's voice isn't quite up to par with Jaimee's, I still think she has a special quality to it.

We're going to try to fix it up right now...

And thanks for the reply!
Very cool that you and your daughter can share this kind of gift. You are both very talented.

The lyrics are very heartfelt and sincere. The harmonies blend nicely. The performance is great.

As far as the mix goes, I think the vocals had way to much reverb, and I'm a reverb freak. You sounded like you were singing in a cave. Didn't sound natural. Also, I heard a few pops, and what may have been autone artifacts. The piano sounded great.

That's it. Well done. autotuneing. And I never got your pm, dodgeaspen.
Very nice. Your daughter has a very nice voice.

I agree with K about the reverb. The piano is pretty dark sounding, too. Can you get more highs in there? As I was typing, the myspace player moved on to the next song - Wow.... I can see where your daughter got her voice!!! I like the piano in this tune, too.

Thanks for sharing and look forward to hearing more from you guys!!!
I'm putting a new version up, it'll have the number 2 in it. REverb is way down, vocal harmonies are panned a bit, and some volumes changed. I didn't eq the piano though. For some reason, through the keyboard phones, it sounds fantastic, but you run it through anything else, and it sounds really dark, and muddled. I can't figure that out. Next I'll work on the piano.

It'll be there in a minute.
Man, that was great. Lemme' talk about the mix first.

Over the years, I've seen you get complaints from time to time about a "dark" sounding piano. I know almost nothing about key sounds, but I don't think a 'dark' piano is the sonic equivalent of something like a "dull acoustic guitar," which you'd want to fix. I think a dark piano is just a flavor of piano, and for me (and possibly you), it's my favorite flavor. We had an old upright in my house when I was a kid, and the thing was basically unplayable as it hadn't been tuned ever (which is why I never learned how to play, I think), but it had this SOUND that was so cool to me that I would sit there just hitting random keys to move hammers that hit strings that sounded "dark" and badass!! I really hate a brightish piano sound...reminds me too much of fake keyboards, lol.

You've always been very complimentary of my daughter, so I'll take this opportunity to remind you that she didn't write anything until she was 15 ("Lucky"). So Hayli is miles ahead in the songwriting department. No offense, but the chorus and bridge melodies are my favorites!!! And I'm genuinely impressed's an emotive piece, and there's a great balance between optimism and sadness that keeps it from falling too far either way. Nothing should be all hope and optimism, and nothing should be all dark and gloomy. So many writers get wrapped up in a theme and maintaining continuity that they forget that the best art has multiple layers, just like the best lives. She avoided the most common downfall her first time out.

Listening to your daughter sing reminds me so much of Jaimee at that age, and you know how freaking biased I am about my daughter, so you should definitely consider that a compliment.

You've embarked on a journey, here...and it's obviously not lost on you, so I will try not to sound like an all knowing douchebag when I tell you what a privilege it is to be able to do this. Know that she does this because you do, take a little credit, teach her what you know if she wants it, and MAKE SURE SHE GOES TO COLLEGE AND DOESN'T DROP OUT, DAMMIT!!! :D :D

I got to spend part of tonight with my 12 year old son working on setting up a recording rig in his room. He's not much of a singer, but he can melt faces with an electric guitar, and he's EATEN ALIVE with the recording bug, so it looks like I get at least a few more years down the path that you're on.

I look forward to more of your collabs...take care, Kirstin.

Mix 3 sounds fantastic - except for some high frequency yuck that is probably attributable to myspace compression, I hear no issues at all, and the song and performance are awesome!

13 year old girls go through a lot (middle school? Jr. High? - I attended in Omaha, but I'm a guy - my daughter is 18 now, and middle school in TX was as bad as it got) - I bet collab-ing with you like this gives her an edge.

I'm *very* jealous - I could never get my 18 year old to do much at all musically. I've got a nearly 3 year old daughter that I'm working with now, and a 14 year old son who doesn't sing (much), but is a great guitar player and bagpipe player. Nothing like having musical kids :D
Man, that was great. Lemme' talk about the mix first.

Over the years, I've seen you get complaints from time to time about a "dark" sounding piano. I know almost nothing about key sounds, but I don't think a 'dark' piano is the sonic equivalent of something like a "dull acoustic guitar," which you'd want to fix. I think a dark piano is just a flavor of piano, and for me (and possibly you), it's my favorite flavor. We had an old upright in my house when I was a kid, and the thing was basically unplayable as it hadn't been tuned ever (which is why I never learned how to play, I think), but it had this SOUND that was so cool to me that I would sit there just hitting random keys to move hammers that hit strings that sounded "dark" and badass!! I really hate a brightish piano sound...reminds me too much of fake keyboards, lol.

You've always been very complimentary of my daughter, so I'll take this opportunity to remind you that she didn't write anything until she was 15 ("Lucky"). So Hayli is miles ahead in the songwriting department. No offense, but the chorus and bridge melodies are my favorites!!! And I'm genuinely impressed's an emotive piece, and there's a great balance between optimism and sadness that keeps it from falling too far either way. Nothing should be all hope and optimism, and nothing should be all dark and gloomy. So many writers get wrapped up in a theme and maintaining continuity that they forget that the best art has multiple layers, just like the best lives. She avoided the most common downfall her first time out.

Listening to your daughter sing reminds me so much of Jaimee at that age, and you know how freaking biased I am about my daughter, so you should definitely consider that a compliment.

You've embarked on a journey, here...and it's obviously not lost on you, so I will try not to sound like an all knowing douchebag when I tell you what a privilege it is to be able to do this. Know that she does this because you do, take a little credit, teach her what you know if she wants it, and MAKE SURE SHE GOES TO COLLEGE AND DOESN'T DROP OUT, DAMMIT!!! :D :D

I got to spend part of tonight with my 12 year old son working on setting up a recording rig in his room. He's not much of a singer, but he can melt faces with an electric guitar, and he's EATEN ALIVE with the recording bug, so it looks like I get at least a few more years down the path that you're on.

I look forward to more of your collabs...take care, Kirstin.


Yes, my upright is a very old steinway, which is in GOOD working order, and it has a dark sound to it. I love the way it sounds. But there's something weird with my keyboard. It sounds nice and crisp through the headphone jacks on the keyboard itself. No onboard speakers. But, when I plug it through the soundcard or the monitors directly, the sound is totally I have to eq it in order to make it more bright sounding. So that's what I know about

I totally appreciate your compliments on my daughter, I'll make sure to pass them along to her. Jaimee is one fantastic artist though, and we BOTH know it. And she WILL go to college, and stick it out. She LOVES school...she just loves going. Also, since I work at a University, half of her education is already paid for each year. So, it'll be cheaper for us...she's told me a number of times, don't lose that job mom, I'm gonna need it for college, haha.

Thank you VERY VERY much!
Hi again. I noticed you got my PM. I listened to the third version and thought it was perfect. I think the high end noise one of the posters was referring to is a combo of the My Space player and the digital encoding. In the next few days I'll be taking a listen to your other recordings. I hope you and your daughter will be working on more songs.
Hi again. I noticed you got my PM. I listened to the third version and thought it was perfect. I think the high end noise one of the posters was referring to is a combo of the My Space player and the digital encoding. In the next few days I'll be taking a listen to your other recordings. I hope you and your daughter will be working on more songs.

I hope we will too! I'm sure of it. she had so much fun spending time with her mom, and she's got a keyboard at home, so she can keep writing. Next time I see her I'm hoping she's got something (at LEAST 1) for us to work on. It's such good quality time for us. I may have said before, most of the time, she's on her laptop, or playing wii or watching tv. So, this was very very special for me.

Also, the hissy high end is my fault probably, I eq'd the piano and it made it sound that way. It wasn't there before I eq'd the piano to sound brighter. I have to REALLY learn how to use eq. I know there are no perfect settings so I must mess with it to get it down.

You guys are great, thank you so much. Hayli will be delighted to see all of this...I'm going to show these posts to her.

Okay, working on a new mix...Hayli needs to be brought up in the verses, and I need to come down in certain places...will probably be up tomorrow sometime. I was able to catch one of her plosives, but can't pinpoint the other one, so I can't do much about that. There may be one I did ears are tired though.