coldplay voilet hill


New member
ok I'm not a huge fan of coldplay but damn this song is great.
the vocal is so much drenched into reverb it's not funny anymore
but yet it still sound good.

how you like it???
Like many things, it's hit and miss, but there's a certain mood that their music invokes; kind of melancholy, without being all out depressing.

As much as I've tried to resist ... they've kind of worn on me. This particular song is a perfect example of why.

They're good when they want to be.
i read a rolling stones interview with coldplay regarding their soon-to-be released 'viva la vida' (?) album, and they have apparently done away with a good bit of the 'melancholy' aspect of their music and are a little more direct with the vocals, instead of hazy, abstract lyrics. ive heard the single, it sounds ok, but im looking forward to the album, as ive heard theyve took a step away from pop and a step towards radiohead :)
They're much better live, the passion they play with is really inspiring, but I don't think it comes across as well on record.