"Closer" Cover of Nine Inch Nails

Ill start off by saying im a fan of nin for sure, and its not a band you see covered round here often so i was pretty excited. Vocals seem a little low im on a pair of comp speakers at work right now but im struggling a bit to hear ya. Cool guitars for the chorus. Everything tone wise sounds pretty decent on these speakers. My only real criticism is im missing some of those synths in the original, but im a sucker for that kind of thing so who knows. Good work man, real cool.

Take care

ZEKE, Zeke, Zeke!!!

I love the band name on your Nowhere page:

"T h i r t e e t h S t o r y"

That's Classic ZEKE!!!


I could not get the clip to play, so I'd say it's a good effort but needs more work! :eek: ;)

Heh, heh.
echo the earlier critique that the vocals are just a bit low in the mix,also agree that the guitars sound real cool.Sounds good...would like to hear more!
Trax Revew And Update


MY BROS ON THE BOARD>>>>> I will have a majoras$ update to the bombtrax soon!!! Soorry and all that shi*t that I been all gone and stuf but DAMN I WILL TELL UP the story in nmy thread bros cuz this aint my thread. THAX!!
I couldn't get it to play either, so I listened to the second one, The Bad Happy Ending. Really nice work. Cool sound to the vocal.

The intro's kind of long (and the gtrs are pitchy at times), but when the vocal comes in at 1:20 it's great. I love that gutar on the right with the vibra-chording. Then at 2:20 the drums and backing harmonies come in and it's fuller and better still. Good arranging with the build-up throughout. I'll try back later for the other tune.

Thanks Tim. yeah i found out walla go that some people have been having some trouble getting the song to play but i'm tryin to fix it so just keep trying lol. Thanks for listening to the other song.
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