Cloning 8 tracks at a time.


New member
Is is possible, using two ADATs to clone a single 16-track song onto new tapes? I know that you can clone 8 tracks at a time from one machine to the other, but if the song to be cloned is in the middle of each of the two existing tapes, and I want to bring two fresh tapes to the mixdown studio, will I be able to sync the sum of 16 tracks on the new tapes so the timing is OK?
With the two machines slaved, do the first set of eight, original #1 in machine one, Copy #1 in machine two. They will be in sync of cource. Then repeat with original #2 in machine one, and Copy #2 in machine two.
Thanks for that, mixsit, now I have a follow-up question:

I just got home from the 16-trk ADAT setup I share with my bass player, and made a clone, doing it one 8-trk section at a time as you described of one of the two songs we will bring to a pro studio next week.

They came out synced too, but since the song was located at 11:00:00 (minutes) into the tape, I had to place the clone at 11:00:00 minutes into the fresh tapes. Is there anyway I can start a clone at, say, closer to the beginning of the tape, like say 2 minutes into the fresh tape? I tried to do this, but the machines didn't want to do it.

I have a second song that starts at 15:00:00 minutes in, and since the first one ended at 14:32:00, it's a bit close for comfort, so I'm planning that I'll have to use a second set of tapes for this other song that starts 15 minutes in, and again, have a clone thats 15 minutes into a fresh set of tapes. I guess I would need 4 ADATS to get a clone started at "0" on the new tapes?
I had Fostex RD-8 and CX-8 so the menues are different but there should be a way to offset one of the the machines (the slave I think it woud be) something like -10:30, so 11:00 = :30.
One or the other. Can't do high math right now..
(The math is easy, but the
by by...:p
The offset function! Yes!

OK, I gotcha! I'll try that, I know there is an offset function on these Alesis systems! Thanks again!

Hey, that tape offset edit function is a powerful tool!

It performed beautifully, now I have both songs starting in perfect sync at only 2 minutes into each set of tapes! Me likee!!!

Thanks again mixsit!