Cloned midi tracks act as one!


New member
I am a new Cakewalk user. I have the Cakewalk audio pro 9 that came with my Aardvark LX6. I loaded a midi file that I created with PowerTracks. I'm trying to seperate a drum track which contains all drum parts into indvidual tracks - Kick, Snare, High Hat........... What I was doing was (like I would do in Power Tracks) record the drums on one track then seperate them for more control during mixing. I would accomplish this by cloning the track then erasing what ever instruments I wanted on the new track. With cakewalk I tryed this but after cloning the drums then erasing instruments from the new track I found that the original track would get erased also. I think I have only the one track selected but still no luck. I hope there is an easy solution - Any ideas?
two solutions: CAL script, or un-clone

right click over the cloned track. there will be an option to un-clone the track although at the moment i can't remember what the options is called.

another option is to use the split-note CAL program. it was probably included in your cakewalk download, if not you can get it from the cakewalk sight. the split-note CAL when run will seperate each note onto a different track. if your kick is C3, then all the C3 will be on 1 track. if your snare is E3, then all the snare (E3) will be on a seperate track.

the only drawback is that hats, cymbals, and toms will also split.
They call that linked clips. Seems odd to be on by default. There's a checkbox in the Copy dialog box where you can tell Cakewalk to link the clips (the copy you're about to ake and its source).

Try a search on "Linked" in the Cakewalk help system. That should tell you everything you need to know.