Clicks when bouncing


New member

I am carefully listening to my double album (baroque music) for the millionth time.
From to time to time while bouncing I'll get a click.

Here is what I'm bouncing :Capture d’écran 2018-03-28 à 11.07.25.webp


If I go back and bounce a second time usually that does the trick?

I thought maybe, just maybe I should close the other windows. I'm on an Imac Mac Os Sierra 10.12,6
I had Chrome and sometimes Photoshop open at the same time.

Does anyone have any idea why?
Clicks, to me, are usually an indication of a resource problem, like not enough available processor slices to move data around, especially if it comes and goes at different places in the same mix, same bounce steps. So, I would definitely close the other apps, especially Photoshop. You want as much memory available for the DAW (any DAW) as possible.

There's only one stereo track in the mix? I'm a little confused by the picture, TBH.

Are you bouncing in Realtime mode instead of Offline? I'd make sure to use the latter.
Thanks for the reply.

Yes, I suspected it was a RAM problem. I can also use my new MacBook Pro which is faster and has much more RAM than my mid-2011 iMac.
Yes, I bounce offline it is so annoying to have to listen to the whole damn track while bouncing one more time:)

No, I just gave a solitary example.
This is what the whole schlimazel looks like (of course, I have individual files for each track with all the edits, this is just my Mastering file with all 36 tracks together for mastering purposes of course...Capture d’écran 2018-03-28 à 14.53.28.webp
Thanks for the reply.

Yes, I suspected it was a RAM problem. I can also use my new MacBook Pro which is faster and has much more RAM than my mid-2011 iMac.
Yes, I bounce offline it is so annoying to have to listen to the whole damn track while bouncing one more time:)

No, I just gave a solitary example.
This is what the whole schlimazel looks like (of course, I have individual files for each track with all the edits, this is just my Mastering file with all 36 tracks together for mastering purposes of course..
Well, if you're putting Space Designer on individual tracks, that's going to clog things up too. I generally put one instance on a bus using a send from each channel, as much as possible.

You could try creating Alternatives and bouncing-in-place some groups to lighten the load in the mastering step. I mean, ideally you'd bounce the mix down to a single stereo track and just master that, but if you can't bounce everything down at once cleanly, then do it a submix or two at a time.

I've got a 2010 MacBook Pro with 8GB and it's Ok for most tasks. I can't always record a new track into a big mix with a bunch of plugins already active, but it's not bad for mixing, though I'm careful about using sends and not stacking too many plugs on individual tracks. Almost all of my active work is done on a 2012 Mini with 16GB and it's fine for the small acoustic group stuff I do - so far, I have to say.
Thanks that's not a bad idea for putting the Space Designer on one bus for all. That makes sense. For the other plug ins no as certain tracks I used this for the stereo spread =Capture d’écran 2018-03-28 à 15.14.50.webp and others no.
The mulitmeter I didn't need at all of course except while Mastering so that was useless RAM taken up.

Great ideas you guys THANKS!!!!:guitar: