Clicks at Start of Audio


New member
Hey Cubies,
2 questions really
Firstly I need some help with clicks. When I import a wav file from fruity loops into cubase, sometimes there are clicks as the audio starts and finishes. I have managed to get rid of the end ones by fading out a tiny bit of the audio file, but at the start, fade in doesn't seem to work.

Secondly, If I copy an audio piece and then paste it later in the song, is there a way to process them individually, without affecting the other. For example, if I fade out the original file, the copy automatically fades at the same point.

I'm not sure this is correct, but it sounds like it would work... for auto copying the fades, try bouncing down the faded track. I think that makes an audio file which has the fade info apart of it.
are you saying you record one track and then copy it to another? The way to make them independant is to click on the copied version and I think its in the audio menu. Click convert to real copy or something similar to that. As for that first question. I don't know sorry.
No...u have to select "Copy unique". because u dont want one copied version to affect the original. so u would want to copy an unique version of the original that will let u tweak it.