Clicking, popping and distorting


New member
I think this may be more computer based than recording based, but hopefully someone can help.

I've noticed that after recording so many tracks on cubase, editing them, and using VST plugins, the song begins to click, pop and distort on play back. Each track indiviually is totally fine, but together it seems my comp just can't handle it.

I've tried mixing down groups of tracks, say the drums, left side guitars and right side guitars and then trying to fit them all together, but no matter how hard I try I can never get them aligned eactly as they should be.

My question is this:

Is the clicking popping and distortion due to my Processor not being able to process all the tracks or is it something else?

and for the bonus question:

If this is the case, how can I tell what processors my motherboard can handle? I'm not sure if this is a stupid question or not, but my computer is about 5 years old now, and I figure I can't just chuck the newest and greatest Intel processor into it, as it won't be compatible. So how can I find out compatibility?

Thanks for the help.
I think this may be more computer based than recording based, but hopefully someone can help.

I've noticed that after recording so many tracks on cubase, editing them, and using VST plugins, the song begins to click, pop and distort on play back. Each track indiviually is totally fine, but together it seems my comp just can't handle it.

I've tried mixing down groups of tracks, say the drums, left side guitars and right side guitars and then trying to fit them all together, but no matter how hard I try I can never get them aligned eactly as they should be.

My question is this:

Is the clicking popping and distortion due to my Processor not being able to process all the tracks or is it something else?

and for the bonus question:

If this is the case, how can I tell what processors my motherboard can handle? I'm not sure if this is a stupid question or not, but my computer is about 5 years old now, and I figure I can't just chuck the newest and greatest Intel processor into it, as it won't be compatible. So how can I find out compatibility?

Thanks for the help.

Sounds like your computer cant handle all the VSTi's. Basically your right, the CPU cant keep up with the amount of data you want to move around.

Trying playing with your sound card latency. For example move it up to as high as it will go. This gives your CPU more time to think. If you want to record stuff, bring the latency down again, and solo only a few instruments.

As far as upgrading, a 5 year old computer isnt going to be very upgradeable. Its probably easiest to buy a new one. Its not just the processor, its memory speed, FSB, a whole host of things that will slow it down.
Another question. How much do the audio files themselves effect the processor, because at the moment I'm using Amplitude 2 to simulate amps, as I can't afford a guitar amp til after xmas.

If I was recording real guitar, with 2 mics, would that cause a similar problem, or is it the plugins that really give the computer grief?

As much as I'd love a new comp, I don't think I can afford it.
Another question. How much do the audio files themselves effect the processor, because at the moment I'm using Amplitude 2 to simulate amps, as I can't afford a guitar amp til after xmas.

If I was recording real guitar, with 2 mics, would that cause a similar problem, or is it the plugins that really give the computer grief?

As much as I'd love a new comp, I don't think I can afford it.

Its hard to say exactly what will cause it to slow down. Safe to say, the more plugins you have running, the slower it will get.

If you record your guitar with 2 mics, the processor has got to process the audio, apply whatever effects you choose (probably a way of compression on each audio signal, at least 1 FX send and some EQ). At the end of the day you will just have to try it and see what causes more lag.

But as I said - try increasing the latency on your sound card. You might find your just pushing it too hard. Even top spec computers cant handle the processing if the latency is set too low.