Cleaning up pops and clicks...


New member
I am going back to my old 4 track tapes and pulling some material from them for various reasons. What do you recommend for cleaning up such material? Is there a plugin for Cubase, Wavelab, or Soundforge that might help?

I do have a song that I posted that I did on 4 track that turned out reasonably well without touching up. You can find it here.

It's called "Lemonade".


Well, I was only listening to it on streaming Real Audio, but I am not really hearing any clicks and pops on it. It sounds good! If you do have artifacts you want removed, sonic foundry has a program "Noise Reduction 2.0" that used to be a free pack-in with SoundForge 6.0. It does a pretty good job.

If your just looking to spice up the 4 tracks, what I did with two old 4 track tunes was imported them from SX into Soundforge, applied some EQ and used Wavehammer to master them a bit and it really made them sound better, then sent them back to SX for the dithering process.
4 tracks

"Lemonade" is probably one of the better four tacks that I have. Others range from smilar quality to really bad recording. Unfortunately, some of those old songs are my favorites. In the end, I may have to re-record in order to get the quality I want. The problem with that is that it is unlikely you'll ever get quite the same groove or feel.

I have Sonar 6.0. I will check out the plugin and see if it works for me.
