cleaning mics

I'd try the brush first, as most of the build up is dust IMO. Although I'm an instrumentalist not a vocalist. And a soft brush and gentle usage is paramount. If you go straight to liquids, the dust turns to mud and actually gets harder to get off in that state. If you could have gotten 80% of it off before adding liquid, why not. Now for vocalist mics, pop filters, foams, and/or cheap mics. Keep them safe or keep them cheap. Not that there's any safe way to clean mics. Even with cleaning supplies that are soft and new and pure, the dust that they collect in the cleaning process is abrasive and other woes.


Just send that guy an invoice/bill for a new mic every time he does that. He'll eventually get a clue, or start bringing his own mic to avoid charges. Maybe you can talk him into buying a U87 that you'll ONLY use on him (yeah right). Although my first thought was to spray him in the eye with his stuff and then ask him to read this right after. Wipes are probably better, but they're not really doing anything more than removing the fingerprints. Rubbing alcohol evaporates pretty quick so I wouldn't be to worried. As long as it some misty sprayer and not some power soaker squirt gun.