Christmas trees: diffusers or bass traps?


Discuss. What sound treatment do you get from your tree. Fir vs Pine? Spruce? Hemlock? Show your work and post sound samples if you got them :D
The tree itself is sort of a diffuser. Once loaded with cats it becomes much more effective
nah - spruce fir, the UK standard for Christmas trees has considerable HF noise if there is wind around. Plus those metallic baubles resonate at 247 Hz. The plastic ones are just a bit higher which help.
Discuss. What sound treatment do you get from your tree. Fir vs Pine? Spruce? Hemlock? Show your work and post sound samples if you got them :D
Ah its digital v analogue all over again. Its been done to death mate. The digital trees are easier to put up, they do not shred pines and are more accurate and can be reused. The analogue trees deteriate over time but are are much more natural piece of kit. The smell and the sound of an analogue tree is much better. Just the little pine needles dropping onto the carpet adds that nuance that can not be created by digital trees, its somewhat plastic to me