Christmas recordings - Bell Choir


New member
Hi all,

Thought you might enjoy a little Christmas cheer.
This past Sunday (December 7th, 2003), I recorded the Bell Choir's Christmas concert at Hosanna church in St. Charles, Illinois. Here's a sampling of the performance:

We Three Kings (3.8 MB)

O Come, O Come Emmanuel (3.3 MB)

Here's how it was recorded:
The "concert hall" was the church "nave" itself, with wooden pews to seat 250 people, a 50-foot high arched wooden ceiling, and 8-foot high red brick walls all around.
I used 4 mics total: 2 positioned about 4 pews straight back (and on booms 10 feet high), and the other 2 directly in front of the bell choir at waist height (the height of the table holding the bells).
The mics were all condenser mics (Octava and some other brand).
I recorded directly to stereo HiFi VCR, and then transferred the tracks to my computer using Cool Edit Pro. The only post-production was adding a little compression.

Enjoy, and let me know your thoughts on the recording.