Choose Me, Choose Me

Sounds good.

It's not a style I generally listen to, but beyond that I can't think of any nits.

I like the fuzzy guitar tone you've got here. Good contrast with the rest of the music.
Nice retro 70´s movie theme, Andrew:D

Serious , sounds pretty good, no matter is a 70´s or 40´s or 90´s:D:cool...period.
Only thing I think you could change is something in the mids, around 900hz in the guitar track (0:52), is a bit loud;maybe even lowering the level can be good (IMO...).
Bass and drums sounds great as usual.

Intro is "what"? Sounds awesome ,and like a "8 strings" bass.

Thanks Ciro for checking this out. I trust your comments. About the bass. It was an Ibanez BTB 4 string. I think I ran it through a Behringer Bass V-amp, but don't remember the patch. I know the patch didn't add any additional samples, probably reverb and chorus and very bright strings on the bass that make the effect.

About the .9 k honk. I never noticed it but I thing you are right about it being a little overpowering. I've got a verby keyboard and guitar playing harmonics that shadow the keys and they all have a mid quality to them. I may drop one out and see if it cleans up.

Cool Beg - neat name for a piece....

Really well put together. The various guitars really sound great. The "flute" is slightly different than usual and has it's own tone - cool. Drums are a little bright but that's a personal taste thing only. They work well...

Top notch stuff....:cool:
Thanks for the compliments on the tune. ears are quite toasty from lots of years of drumming so sometimes the amount of highs in a tune are purely a guess. As long as the kit doesn't sound obnoxiously bright, I'm ok with that.
Thanks for the listen.
Thanks Ciro for checking this out. I trust your comments. About the bass. It was an Ibanez BTB 4 string. I think I ran it through a Behringer Bass V-amp, but don't remember the patch. I know the patch didn't add any additional samples, probably reverb and chorus and very bright strings on the bass that make the effect.

About the .9 k honk. I never noticed it but I thing you are right about it being a little overpowering. I've got a verby keyboard and guitar playing harmonics that shadow the keys and they all have a mid quality to them. I may drop one out and see if it cleans up.


the 900hz honk is nicely maksed when the rest of the band comes in. What a cool tune. Nothing 70s about it. This is mid 80s movie tune for sure, man. :)

The drums and bass are so funky and loose that the slight stiffness rhythmically in the pan flute part sticks about a bit. Maybe it's just a little big in the mix, I dunno.

This is a terrific sound palette overall though, I dig your playing! Plus, you pseed the ultimate test; my hyper critical and difficult to please wife stoped sewing to ask who it was and to say AWESOME.

Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor
.............Cool stuff. I'm not so into the flute sound. Love the bass/drums, and guitar.

Very nice work.
Hey Phil,
Thanks for listening.
I felt the flute drifted in and out of being cool, but couldn't quite put my finger on what was wrong. There are some spots that aren't in the pocket either and I felt that the edits to fix it would be noticeable.

So help me out some more on my stiff keyboard playing. Is there a way you could elaborate or describe in musical terms what I should be thinking when I retrack the flute. I played all the other instruments so I ought to be able to learn how to put a simple cool keyboard lead in a song. This always gives me trouble. You have the "magic" sentence of advice perhaps???

Please pass on my gratitude to your wife. I always get a charge when anybody has something nice to say about my stuff.

I checked out your myspace, really nice tunes. This gives me some incentive to venture out into jazzland. And the quality I heard means I can trust your input.

Hey Phil,
Thanks for listening.
I felt the flute drifted in and out of being cool, but couldn't quite put my finger on what was wrong. There are some spots that aren't in the pocket either and I felt that the edits to fix it would be noticeable.

So help me out some more on my stiff keyboard playing. Is there a way you could elaborate or describe in musical terms what I should be thinking when I retrack the flute. I played all the other instruments so I ought to be able to learn how to put a simple cool keyboard lead in a song. This always gives me trouble. You have the "magic" sentence of advice perhaps???

Please pass on my gratitude to your wife. I always get a charge when anybody has something nice to say about my stuff.

I checked out your myspace, really nice tunes. This gives me some incentive to venture out into jazzland. And the quality I heard means I can trust your input.


Yes, I can tell you precisely what I mean. Any beat has an attack duration. and, the attack on that beat, can be ON the beat, on the FRONT side of the beat (early), or on the BACK side of the beat (late). ON the beat is "mechanical. Think drum machine. Or Germans. On the Front side is stiff and upright. Think "Bachman Turner Overdrive" or any Southern rock band with a white drummer. Behind the beat is laid back, in the pocket. Your drumming and bass work is on the backside, so it feels loose and "pockety"; the flute line is exactly on or on the front side of the beat. You're nervous playing it, and it shows. :)

By the way, I just defined "groove" for you, I guess. Good grooves are on the back side of the beat.

What larion said about the flute sample. Try to get a real one - Wiggy is excellent or someone else.
This is a nice piece of proggy jazz type stuff.
Needs a high pitched semi castrati (1 gone only) singing about dragons and druidian birthdays to make it a classic piece.
i like the drum sound. maybe it's on the bright side but not in a bad way. it makes it cut through without taking up a ton of space in the mix.
i like the drum sound. maybe it's on the bright side but not in a bad way. it makes it cut through without taking up a ton of space in the mix.

Sheese now I'm getting paranoid. That is two references to a bright drum sound. The drums don't seem bright to me, maybe a touch of air but not much. Maybe my ears are toastier than I know. Would anybody like to add some specificity to the description? Is it just the snare, the whole kit, the cymbals? What range of freq's?

This was my North kit which I no longer have. That is why the toms sound odd. The North kick is a single headed item. The snare is a mix of OH's and a Alesis D4 sample triggered from the snare in real time. In case you were curious.

nah i meant that it doesn't sound overly bright. it fits right in it's own place nicely.

it wasn't really deep sounding on my system is all which isn't a bad thing. it sounds good to me