
Yes, I believe they are Chinese for the most part. Looks reaally familiar on the insides.


IM probably wrong now that I said it.

Their re-discovery of the long-lost transformer is what had me laughing. No prices anywhere to be found, I wonder how much hot-air adds to the final price. :D ;) :p :rolleyes: :eek:

Tom Cram
dbx Senior Technical Support
(801) 568-7530

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
-Thomas Jefferson-
Re: Hyuck-hyuck

Tom Cram said:
Their re-discovery of the long-lost transformer is what had me laughing. No prices anywhere to be found, I wonder how much hot-air adds to the final price. :D ;) :p :rolleyes: :eek:

There's so much there, I'm not sure what my favorite is yet. I like the concept of "their" tube microphone being developed to "overcome the inherent sonic weakness of early digital recording formats".
"The MT91 has been widely praised not only for its sonic quality but also its versatility. Stringed instruments, female vocals and the subtleties of adding soloists to an orchestral recording without distracting harmonic aberrations, are made an uncomplicated activity."

But reading sentences should not be an uncomplicated activity.

Ok wait, this is good too:

"The Studio Condenser
There are many types of studio condensers but they can be narrowed down to two basic types: cardioid and omni-directional."

There are many types of people but they can all be narrowed down to two basic types: Those who like metal-flake paint jobs on their cars and those who do not. A studio condenser can be very complicated but in it's two simplest forms it is either cardioid, or omnidirectional. It cannot be further delineated than this, my good man. Is it a wave or a particle? That is the real question.

I must have missed this important milestone in electronic design history as well:

"To give the M21 the harmonic edge, the Mann engineers reintroduced an old and almost forgotten technology from the earliest days of multi track recording; the audio transformer. This weighty device was replaced in the late 60's by the FET transistor."

FET Transistor: Field Effect Transistor Transistor
"Good afternoon, Department of Redundancy Department".

Harmonic edge...
Ok... Flash back to the late 60's: Microphones suddenly had FET transistor transistors instead of output transformers?
Which microphones were those?

Ok, here's my favorite:

"The directional effect
The directional effect of the cardioid microphone is achieved by adding little holes in the back plate. The holes create a sound entrance and delay network. The object is to delay the arrival of sound at the rear of the diaphragm to coincide with the same sound at the front. This way the sound is cancelled out."

Just try to envision that one (and then pass the aspirin): A sound arrives at a point in space and then travels through a delay network, thereby arriving somewhere else at precisely the same time and is therefore cancelled: Designed specifically to record the sound of one hand clapping.

Harvey Gerst said:

Why are you posting here? You should be at Stephen's, rescuing my V67G's. :mad:

Still haven't gotten those back, eh? I think that cloning Tony would take less time. I'll pass along the request though.

Yo ho ho

The Studio Condenser
There are many types of studio condensers but they can be narrowed down to two basic types: cardioid and omni-directional.

:D Brent, Oh man I must have missed that one, that's rich. I must admit their marketing dude is pretty crafty. He has got the smokescreen going full bore. Like I said earlier, at least the logo is cool. ;)

Hey, Harvey while you are here, I've got an extra dbx 242 lying around, do you have an extra Oktava MK319 you'd be willing to trade?

Tom Cram
dbx Senior Technical Support
(801) 568-7530

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
-Thomas Jefferson-
"To give the M21 the harmonic edge, the Mann engineers reintroduced an old and almost forgotten technology from the earliest days of multi track recording; the audio transformer."

This sentence is, perhaps, my new favorite piece of puffery. Not only is it blatant nonsense, it reveals the writer's ignorance in multiple dimensions -- the transformer is in little need of "reintroduction," and it goes back to well before the "earliest days of multi track recording."

Their charts are colorful, too, though somewhat mysterious at points.

Great testimonials:

"It captured more than just the instrument being miked" -- not generally considered a good thing.

"As a spot mic it lifted the presence of the sound" -- I should say so, as at least one of the mics seems to have a peak of something in excess of 10 dB at 8k.
Last edited:
Tom and Brent,

Mann is (obviously) another attempt to sell "off the shelf" Chinese mics, whilst trying to convince the prospective buyer they are getting something special.....................

This time however, it is some crowd here in Aust., doing the swindling. I have been watching their attempts (and those of the few dubious retailers) to establish some credibility for some time. Unfortunately, unless the Govt's consumer protection agencies get written complaints, misleading advertising like Mann's will continue.

ChrisO :cool:
Yeah, I remember a could of years ago a company in your neck of the woods, ausrock, was advertising these mics pretty much as U87s! Infact, ausrock, it very well may have been you who pointed me towards that company because they were selling used 421s for insane (basically nothing) prices. I was thinking of picking 4 of them up, but I somehow convinced myself of really not needing them... Kinda regret that now!!!
That wasn't me RE.

Some of the bullshit one particular retailer is dribbling about these mics is almost enough to make me puke. He has been advertising pairs of Manns' sml diaphragm mics on Ebay as copies of KM184s (I think that was the model), anyways he claims this package normally retails for around $800 Aust................funny thing is that on Manns' own site, these mics have an individual price of $170 Aust.............somehow things just don't add up:rolleyes:

The other thing that gets me with Mann is that the only two testimonials on their site both come from VERY close to home. I am actually acquanted with one of the guys that wrote one and he honestly wouldn't know his head from his arse.

Hi Brent,

Good to see you here....I just couldn't help but think of that one lonely single clap at the very tailout of "Laugh In" when I read your Mann technical post...that was funny Brent!:D
PinkStrat said:
Hi Brent,

Good to see you here....I just couldn't help but think of that one lonely single clap at the very tailout of "Laugh In" when I read your Mann technical post...that was funny Brent!:D

Wow, the power of suggestion. I went back and read my post and when I got to the end heard that one clap and busted out laughing.
Interpretive post reading, coming to a cybercafe near you.

Or should I say,
Hi Brent,

ROFLMAO!!! That is a good term indeed--"intrepretive post reading". Yep, it's a nasty job but somebody has to do it!:D