check tha new joints

The only thing you have going for ya in you can't hang is bass drum. The rest of the beat is pretty weak and the synth is laughable.

It's funny you act so tough when the music and recording is so damn weak.

The vocal sounds like it was sung into a cardboard mic. But your intimidating voice is cracking me the hell up.

This bass drum breakdown is silly....
"your style is weak...."
To quote you.
i like the remix better ...but u need to get a better mic or clear up your vocals...or is that the sound u are lookin for..

beatz1 sound like u got lost in the loop and is missin bring it out

beatz for d could be workable...u need to get rid of the hiss and break it down better..

but keep up the hard work u can only get better
thanks fo the feedback...i'm just recording into a 10$ mic with no sound card an' acid pro by fruity loops...i know the mastering and final production isn't all there, but considering, how is it? i'm wanting feedback to see if i should spend the money on upgrading to a home studio...uppin for comments...
u can try n-track for recording vocals, wavelab for mastering or cubase SX for the whole thing...if u doin it all by computer...these help alot on cleaning up your vocals and beats..thata what i use anyway and along with some other

I'm gonna be honest, that sucked. But it sucked just like every producers first stab at a track!
look, keep workin at it, but put your work in perspective with other (professional) work. for starters, listen to the fullness of sound(number of instruments used for the melody as well as for the bass) the complexity of the hi-hat, and the basic drum line. I'm not saying that you should try to copy a certain style, but once you train your ear, then you'll be able to make better tracks. Try listening to an instrumental by a Producer you admire about 50 times (i'm not exaggerating) and picking out a diffrent instrument the first 10-15 times, (some are doubled up), diffrent uses of the closed and open hat, and diffrent drumline uses (breakdowns, bridges, loops). Having a good keyboard handy (motif, triton, or any korg for that matter) will help you identify sounds, and how diffrent sounds are mated with others to give a diffrent sound.
Now once you've listened to that ONE track, move on to others. you'll notice that you listen to beats totally diffrently. This will help you critique your own work. As for vocal recording there are five main things you need with hip hop vocals - Decent mic (sure SM57or 58) preamp (I use a boss 4 track mixer for it's preamp), and LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION. oh yeah and don't get all up on the mic 6-8'' away is ususally what I use. these two skills, beat-makin' and voice tracking(recording) are two seperate animals that will take many dedicated hours just to get "OK" at
LOL at the feedback...This is my first post, but I like the beat of the remix. The other stuff was ok.

Jake-owa got you good with this one.

This bass drum breakdown is silly....
"your style is weak...."
To quote you.

you guys crack me up.