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Here's a rough mix of a tune I've been working on. It features two Fender Telecasters (MIJ early '90s Blue Floral and a 2003 MIM Nashville Deluxe) an Epiphone Dot and a 1965 Ludwig 4-piece White Marine Pearl drum kit.

See if you can spot the guitar line recorded with a miked SF Deluxe Reverb. The rest of the guitars were recorded through a first-generation POD. Since recording the guitar tracks, I've purchased a Johnson J-Station and I'm using that to get cleaner, more Fender-esque sounds on my other recordings.

The title is taken from one of the greatest films of all time, "Fight Club." The rest is all me.

Here's the link:

You can also download the MP3.
Hey new Guy

At first I thought the drums were too far back, but maybe not.
Guitar playing performed good.
vocal sits well in the mix.
Well written ad performed.
I'll leave the tech stuff for others.

Excellent musicianship! It's gotta be 'retro week' out here! I've been on a real ride with a lot of these tunes. The mix is solid to my ears (headphones right now). My only comment is that the overall tone seems a bit 'low-mid heavy' like it could use a dose of high freqs. (take that with a grain of salt - I've been mixing a lot today.)

This tune absolutely reaks of creativity L-O-V-E the real drums - and they're played solidly in the pocket. This tune rocks big time!

I think the only thing left to say is Grooovie!
Thanks. I might mess with the eq on some of the tracks to bring out the highs a little better. There's also a very small guitar part at the end of the chorus that I'll probably recut to get a little more punch and clarity on it.
Hey there - cool song. Like the sensibility, delivery and performances!

Sort of reminds me of all the good things about The Jam and some of Paul Weller's "good" stuff.

Where are you mixing this track? Are you sure it's flat?

Your bottom end sounds OK to my ears, but from the mids up, it sounds like you have rolled off your EQ by 12db!

I can hear holes around 1k, 4k and 5k which are washing out the cut of this track.

Please remix and repost - I would love to hear it pumping in all it's glory!

Cool song!

:) Q.
Well, I did some remixing and reposted the song. I brought out some of the highs, solved some problems and probably created some others. Let me know what you think.
It certainly sounds better to my ears - less muddy. I think you can go further though.

I will give some better ideas tomorrow when I can crank it.
