Check out this punk/emo tune with melodica


New member
Here's the link for another song done by my now broke up band. Our singer had a melodica and we decided to put it to good use, you know, add a little flava. Anyway the song is called "Another Nightmare," please give a listen and give thoughts on the melodica, production, and mix. Thanks a lot


Oh yeah, the coolest melodica part is about 3/4 into the song.
I reloaded the song, I had accidentally encoded the wrong file, it was 48k when it should have been 44.1k. No wonder it sounded kinda funny. Anyway, let me know what you think about the melodica and mix...

Hey man, cool song!

Biggest things I see.....vocals need to come up, or something.....but I think they just need to come up.

The bass, I kind of like the sound of it but I think it is too loud. Doesn't blend with the rest of the instruments very well......
Ok, I can see how the vox would need to come up. The reason I don't have the mcranked is cause there were some intonation problems in the first section. I should probably just turn those dow nor something. As far as the bass, do you mean the bass guitar or the bass drum??

Great sound on the guitar.
I'd have to agree that the bass guitar sound is not suited to this song, some more low-ended doodling would compliment the guitar more methinks.

Great sound on the drums, I really like it.
Vocals are good but are a bit strained.

that melodica is very cool (Check out Star by Primal Scream if you wanna hear some cool melodica)

The melodica-guitar duet is VERY cool, this song is catchy & is always moving, you never get bored of listening to it.

Overall I really like this song, great stuff.
Yeah, now that I think about it, the lower bass does sound like a good idea. Less of the fret/pick noise right?? I'm not mixing with great monitors at all (sometimes just headphones) and having that high end is the only way I can tell that the bass is there. I'll try it when I get my replacement tweeter. That was our favorite song to play live, cause there would be a moshpit and stuff until that melodica part, then everyone would kinda stop and just listen, it was pretty tight.

Any more suggestions??
