Check out this mix!!


To Infinity..and Beyond!!
This is an old mix from my E-16. It's recorded live just three of us. I've been going through archives. I have a lot of music mixed down to cassette from my E-16 because I didn't have any other sort of mixdown capabilities. So the chain for this mp3 was E-16 > cassette (8 years ago) > into my VS-1880 for mastering > CD Burner. The highs are all out of whack, but let me know what you think. I can't wait to get started again. Another couple weeks I should be back at it again. Thanks
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Wow....19 people have looked and/or listened and nobody has anything to say????? Maybe I should have posted elsewhere??? Help!!!
Yeah the highs are outta whack, mostly because the overheads are too loud. It sounds like something you'd find on a drummer's solo CD. Cool tune though, nice playing.

If you don't have the tracks anymore, get to work with the EQ. Although after you fix the high end problem, it unmasks some other issues too.
Thanks guys

We recorded this in '97 on my E-16. At the time I didn't have anything but a cassette deck to mix down to. over the years and through that signal chain all kinds of phasing problems and what have occured. I'm in the process of rebuilding my studio gear. I bought a VS-1880, but was disappointed when I couldn't get the drum sound that I like. So I am going back to analog. I have a Tascam 38, but I want to get a 16 track. I have been looking at another E-16 and an MSR-16. I've just been finishing up remodeling the master bedroom of our house I'm just about done. Then the bedroom that we are in now becomes studio. I am anxious to get rolling there so many cool things that you can do now with software and what not. Here's another song doesn't sound as bad in the high end. There's a tape glitch in it from the cassette being too old. Thanks for checking it out.
The guitar tone is really thick.....I remember puttin a 57 on the marshall cabinet on the bottom speaker and one one the back of the cabinet just to get that resonance. Experimenting is so much fun!!!