check out this mix. Ns 10's need opinion.


New member
I wanted to make the vocals stand out and make them kinda fit in a different kind of way. This is the first time I have recorded live organ. for the most part I am proud of this mix from what I can hear on my ns 10s. sounds good in cars. Thanks and long live bbs!!!
Raynman, I'll Make You A Deal..

You post a link to where I can hear the song, and I will give it a listen!:D

Dougie (Esp Fails Me Now) Johnson
hi rayn_man,

good song.

I am listening on ns10ms. The telephone quality on the voice was good. I think a realistic voice would have worked better.

I checked the meters, and hardly did the mix go over -3. I think it could be generally louder.

THe kick could be more punchy, and the bass could be a bit bigger.

I like the space around the instruments. Very unobtrusive.

No Apologies Needed.

I am not one of those whiney, anal caucasians you will come across from time to time around here.

I will down load the tune now & give you my 2 cents.


Interesting tune....really liked the keyboards. I agree with CyanJaguar abou the bass and kick. I also thought the acoustic guitar could come up in the mix slightly. I didn't care for the effect on the vocal track...just a personal preference thing.

Good work!
About that "telephone" effect

Mebbe you could use it in just a small part of the song for effect and use natural voice for the rest.


kick and bass are a big concern. I am still trying to learn to use the ns10s. for a long time all my mixes would sound muffled and almost embarasing. Glad you could hear the space on your monitors. Do you think mastering would solve all my problems?
NO. MAstering will not solve your problems. Mastering polishes a good mix, but it cant, for example, remove the effect that you had oon the vox.

I suggest listening to mixes from faith hill, staind, sting, to get a feel of the monitors, right before and during a mix , to see how everything should sit. From this mix, you are in the right direction. You only need practice.

How high do you mix at. Try between 78 and 85 dbs. You can hear most everything without destroying your ears, and this is where the bass balance is flattest.
Nice song. I was ok with the telephone voice. I thought it added to the alternative slant of the tune. THe organ gave it some good energy, and the guitar was appropriate for the most part. I like the track. THe mix sounds pretty good on my stuff

Ray J
I concur with MAC2 & Queue:

Cool song, but I would Bring the Acoustic Guitar up a bit, and I had the same though about half phone voice/half full real voice during the song.

But good job, dude...
