Check out this mix for me guys

Hmm.. you have quite a website. This is your first tune? Your site looks like you have been at this quite a while, with over 300o Friends!

Ok.. bear in mind that I'm an oooolllldddd man. I kind of remember the 70's. Black Sabbath was young then too.;)

The song has some gothic type elements going on that are interesting. I like the chunk guitar, ala Metallica that comes in. When the mix first starts, it is like the guitar is on a different planet than the other instruments... this might be intentional? I kept waiting for the vocals to start with some dark goth type story.

You are very very liberal with the use of heavy compression. If you backed off a tiny bit, the tune would have more space. I don't care for the contrast in eq at the start dark in the back/light in the front.... but again, perhaps intentional.

Ok... last but not least... needs more pedal steel.;)

(what do you expect form a honky tonker?)
Lol...not first song, first try at mixing myself. And yeah i agree about the guitar at the beginning. And i compressed the bass and the overall track. Ill post some older songs so you can see the songs arent quite in the gothic genre, lol.

Thanks for input
One thing that stands out is that this is not super loud/clipping which can really get hard to listen to. I had it cranked and it was a good level. It's below radio level but I don't that:).... The compression seems about par for the course for current metal-ish tunes. Maybe I'm getting used to it but it did provide an overall smoothness that wasn't all that bad... Good writing, kept me interested right to the end. Overall I liked it.....

Thanks guys, I'm going to do a few more mixes tonight and see what i can come up with. Going to fix the guitar in the verses and I'm waiting to do the vocals until music is finalized. Should anything be different with the drums? That's what I spent the most time on.


I like the big guitar sounds a lot.

The drums sound like they are far away, as if they were recorded with just a couple of mics on the other side of the room.

There seems to be some timing issues between the clean(ish) guitar and the drums.

Also, the whole thing has that "written by the guitar player" feel.

A good effort. Keep at it!