Check out these mp3s from Alternative Rock artists BALLOONHED

I promise

From this post forward, I will never make such a cheesy post again as long as I live. I read it this morning and couldn't believe I did this. Sorry, I did it for a goof on another member that was overly cocky. I obviously didn't get the response he did, obviously because he truely DID suck.
thanks and I apologize
OK Jessie, er, Dantell, I'm listening to Naked At Night. It may be the MP3 conversion but it seems slightly phasey sounding. It feels a little bass shy, kinda thin. Other than that, not too bad. It's well played for sure.
See My Eyes- Same comments as above. I have to ask, what are you tracking to? Are you mixing in the computer? What do you monitor through?
Hey Track rat

I monitor through mackies 824 and I am remixing with the bass a little eq'ed and turned up a little to make it more up front in the mix. For some reason my mp3s are ringy and that phasy sound sounds like the cymbals to me. The wave doesn't do that.