Check out the world's first Rock-Classic-Techno-Crossover


New member
In this piece I tried to integrate elements from the genres rock (guitar), classic (strings, clean guitar) and techno (beat, bass).

Now I need your fresh ears:
Does this work out? What are your pros and cons on composition, arrangement, produciton, etc

MP3, 1.6 MB

I'm looking forward to your comments!
Intro is very the lead!!

Like the blend you have of the genres.

Composition is good.

Arrangement great.


True :) :) :) :) :)
There is some kind of clicking noise at the beginning on the left :D

Very nice. Worlds first? I dont think so :D Its a lil short, but its some good stuff. :cool:
What would you expect/like to hear as a B-part? More of a synthesizer/techno sort of thing or rather a calm orchestrated part? With guitar/without guitar? Or maybe something entirely different? Any suggestions?
This is very nice but all instruments are not in perfect harmony with each other.
I’m sure you feel it too and just like me don’t really know what to change.
It happens to all of us. Try to combine all this instruments in many different ways.
Sometimes it works if you just remove one or two of them.
I’m still listening and don’t have a clue but if something hits me soon I'll post it.
This is yelling “To be continued” as well. Really! Did you think to finish it just like that?

Really nice stuff and well played too.
I’m looking forward to hear updated version.

Well done!
sikter said:
Did you think to finish it just like that?

Nope, more like THIS

I added a Maiden-like B-section with harmonies that finally blend with the A-section in "perfect harmony". I'm still not happy with the intro but nothing better came to my mind. Hope you like it.
For some reason I just can't help myself from getting "Porno!" visuals.

Nah, just kidding.

You have a good sense for phrasing.

I like how the licks talk to each other in like question and answer form at some points.
Stoertebeker said:
Nope, more like THIS

I added a Maiden-like B-section with harmonies that finally blend with the A-section in "perfect harmony". I'm still not happy with the intro but nothing better came to my mind. Hope you like it.

I loved your wah guitar. This version is really something. I know you'll work more on it and I hope you'll post it again.

The end was awesome :D Everything after 3.15 is genial!