Check out my song!


New member
Hey Everyone,

Im a 17 year old song writer who plays drums, bass, guitar, and sings.

I have posted a song on the internet and would love to get some feedback on it! Positive or Negative!

go to

and listen to "against my will"

Thanks alot!
~Tyler Jorenby
Hello to Brooklyn Park, MN from Brooklyn, NY!

First of all, nice job :) The song sounds really good. Only criticisms would be that the vocals are shaky, pitchwise, in a few spots and the tempo seems to drag in a couple of spots also.
Well, to be honest, I think as far as the songwriting is concerned, it sounds like another one of those songs that's already been written by a hundred other bands. The whole thing was very loose, and performances were a little shakey all around. Definitely heard some pitch problems throughout. I'm not saying my stuff is any better, just telling you what I hear when I listen to your song. Keep at it though.
It's been sevon days...and you are still singing like your favorite star on MTV. If it doesn't make you sick to sing the same type of song just like everyone else then you are doing fine.

The recording is alright....when the heavy chorus part comes in the guitars get too crowded and mushy.

Your vocal facade doesnt hold up throught the song, sounds like you almost dropped character there in a couple spots.

Mid-lows are muddy.