Check out my new Web Site

Good looking site.

Your pic looks like you're annoyed. Hope it wasn't something I said...;)

Re: lol

bdbdbucksKID said:
thanks, think I should change it?

Don't change it if it does a good job a showing part of who you are. I'd add a couple more pics if I were you.
Something with you actually playing, even if it's in a rehersal space.

First of all, I want to say the layout of your site is GREAT. It's visually interesting, easy to navigate, and informative.

What I would suggest getting rid of is the whole first paragraph of your biography. It sounds self-depricating and may look unprofessional to a potential booking agent. Just start with the second paragraph, because that's what they're going to be interested in; who you are and what you do. The second and third paragraphs are great! I would chop the last paragraph in half and tack it on to the second one. I'd change "I hope to eventually add some music files" to "I will be adding more music files when songs are completed" or something like that. Lose everything from "Please be patient" through the rest of the paragraph.

As for "Rehearsal Bits and Other Poor Quality Recordings," self-depricating again. Just "Rehearsal Bits" is fine, as the recording isn't all that bad and your performance is PRIMO! Sounds like Chrissy Hynde. Loose the "check back soon" part and put the link to the music at the TOP of the page.
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Hmmm non-conformist, good voice, creativity. What more can we ask for? Don’t apologize for yourself or your performance! If you come across as apologetic or unconfident than "YOU" are leading the audience to believe so! Its probably hard for you to do this but you need to get some BALLS. Why is the guest book labeled private? I couldn’t read it!!!! Its a guest book!!! Its for guest!!! One more thing… the biography should be straight and to the point. I had trouble figuring out just who you were! The bio should instantly tell the reader who what where when and why!!

Nice voice; keep up the good work
I looked at your site again...I see you made some of the changes I suggested. Nice. The bio is much better than it was (you should have seen it before, Tjohnson!).

I agree with Tjohnson that the guest book shouldn't be private.

I also agree with the part about "having balls." Looking wishy-washy turns off your potential audience and show bookers. Looking confident and self-assured (even if you don't feel that way) will draw them in.

Anyway, the website is much improved. Good job.
Hang on a Sec

What should I do then? What part are you guys talking about now where I am "wishy washy"? I want to get this right.
I am sure a little more detail is in order for the bio, but its really hard for me to write about myself. I would feel like I was cheating if I wrote in the third person.
I will take the guestbook off of private.
I will add some real photos in the near future.
I will add more tunes too.
Re: Hang on a Sec

bdbdbucksKID said:
What should I do then? What part are you guys talking about now where I am "wishy washy"? I want to get this right.
I am sure a little more detail is in order for the bio, but its really hard for me to write about myself. I would feel like I was cheating if I wrote in the third person.
I will take the guestbook off of private.
I will add some real photos in the near future.
I will add more tunes too.

I didn't mean that it's still wishy washy. The site is OK, just keep the "balls" attitude when you talk to others about your music.


More tunes, though!

But if you guys should have any ideas, please let me know.
And please sign my guestbook. You can read it now if you want.
People aren't signing it. Help a girl out :(
I think she made the guestbook private because her dad wrote something stupid in there.

I must agree with the "balls" thing. Your music comes across as ballsy in a way.. maybe I should use the word "sassy" instead to be more gender friendly, that should be reflected in your bio.

OH.... more tunage too!

I would set the start page with the music not the bio. When I clicked on your link I got the bio first. Only b/c if someone likes ur music then they read ur bio., just my opinion, what do ya'll think?
Nice site! Make sure you play as many quality gigs as possible - that's the best way for you to expose people to your music. Keep up the good work.

Post indie electronic
junplugged said:
I would set the start page with the music not the bio. When I clicked on your link I got the bio first. Only b/c if someone likes ur music then they read ur bio., just my opinion, what do ya'll think?

I disagree.
I have to disagree with starting the page with music or a bio. This might sound self indulgent, but I would start with either a picture of you or that background picture unobstructed.

The only other thing I would suggest would be the menus to be a bit bigger and centered.
I like the page going straight to the bio.

Actually, though, a "front door" page with just a picture of you and your name might do nicely as well.

Your menus could stand to be a bit bigger. I didn't really even notice that they weren't centered.
Well, put your best foot forward. If you look like a model, start w/ a pic, if your bio has quotes from major newspapers that say you are great, start there, if your music is the main thing and is super high quality, start there. But if I'm looking for music, and usually am, that's where I'd like to start, then if I like it I'll go for more info. I see a bio and I'm looking around it for the music link, why should I care about your looks or bio if I don't like the sound? But that's just me, you need to know your intended audience....