Cheaper Vocal Condenser Mic($100-200)

Which VOCAL Condenser?

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I've been getting great results from my M Audio Nova, and Luna. The Nova has a higher end vocals presence but picks up lows nicely, whereas the Luna has a really buttery smooth top end roll off. Both have served me well. Also I have a Studio Projects B1 that is useable.
I recently asked the most successful producer I know (Mack Damon...5x Grammy nominated...) about buying "serious" mics and pres and this is a direct quote from the message he sent me in response:

"As far as mics go, buy 2. Buy the SM7a or b....the most amazing $350 mic you'll ever hear. It makes people sound BIG and SMOOTH.
My friend Waylon over at Karma Mics has some amazing mics....he owns the plant in china, and they do extensive quality control, so you don't have to worry."

This is coming from a guy who has racks and lockers full of the most expensive, exotic boutique shit you can imagine...

The K35 is Karma's large diaphragm condenser, and it is regularly sold (from Karma not some random guy or anything) on Ebay for $169. They also make one with a tube in it, but it's about $350 or so, and they only sell it on their website.

Honestly, I had never even heard of Karma before he recommended them for my condensers... Anyway...I hope that helps!
Yow... got my 960 today. Haven't even had a chance to hook it up yet to burn it in... but it sure is a lot of mic for the money... even if it doesn't turn out to sound great.

Put another way. Dang. That's a big mic.
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Finally got a chance listen to the tracks I laid down with the 960. Pretty dang impressive, I have to say. It was perfectly good with the stock tube, but with the Mullard swapped in it sounds mongo FAB. Vocals are very rich and really jump out of the mix. This makes me very happy.

Many thanks to the folks here at HR.C for turning me on to this mic!!:)
AKG Perception 100

I own AKG perception 100. Bought it for around 150$, but I have contacts with "violet" mics manufacturer and he said, that that with some changes in microshemes he could tur it in to mhigher class mic, because diaphragm is good enought and mic at all is not so bat that it can not be torned in hi class mic. and changes will cost me just cents.
Good to know professionals in mic makers :D
Yeah, if I weren't in for a couple of tube mics via the group buy, I'd definately pick one up. They'd make a very cool pair for recording Choirs and Orchestras.

In fact it's still tempting.
I also have to agree, Octavia mk319 is AWESOME if you can find them...lots of online retailers stopped selling em....ebay is your best bet!
It depends on your voice but I vote for the Oktava MK319 too! I own a Studio Project C1 which is good too but to harsh for my voice, cleaner and brighter than the Oktava MK319 which is darker, warmer too.
In that price range, an AT-4054 or 4055. Alternatively a used AKG C535eb. If you like the sound, you can also find used AT-4033s for that price as well.

I see you're recommending two stage/hand-held condensers. I'm thinking of getting a stage condenser since my AT3035 is picking up too much room sound, and I can't do a lot of room treatment right now. I know the AT 4055/4054 has the same capsule as the AT4050. Are they comparable in sound quality... for vocals?
M-audio Nova Condenser Mic

The M-audio Nova condenser mic serve me pretty well..good for vocals and acoustic guitar...:)
i have the MXL 990. it was about less than 100 but it does an awesome job.
but it really depends on what type of sound your going for.

ya i have two 990's and 2 991's they're great. you can get 990 and 991 with stand mounts and a case for 100 bucks

or just a 990 with a shock mount and preamp (which may or may not suck) for 100 too i think.
I can get the same package from the Musicians friend Distrubution center for $50...they do all thier shipping from there...and sell the returns for next to nothing...its part of the reason I have 14