Cheap tube mics


New member
Does anyone know anything about any of the cheap tube mics that are around? (Like the Nadys or the studio projects) Are they very mild and untube-ish or are they great sounding? Basically im asking which under 500 dollar tube mic sound the MOST like the older vintage tube mics. Its hard to find reviews for some of these. Thanks for any help.
ive used ntk with really good results. sounded good through tascam m3700 pres, art gold pres, and real damn good through ua 610. people around here are fans of mxl v69 and v77s. i used a 69 on a loud guitar cab a while back and remember liking it.
ntk all the way!

ill second the ntk. ive had mine for about 4 months now and its my main mic. voice, acoustic, drum kit overhead, guitar cabinet, ect.
...I've had luck with the NTK also, as well as the V69 and V77...all have their strong points and weaknesses...the V77 is the least colored of the 3, but as for sounding like the vintage tube mics?...I can't honestly say that...but until I've got the bucks for a Brauner, these will have to do...
well you''ll have to throw the SP T3 in there
''Does anyone know anything about any of the cheap tube mics that are around? (Like the Nadys or the studio projects)
''Are they very mild and untube-ish or are they great sounding''

they are great sounding --from the moment you first hear it :) you know something nice is going on :D
I have a CAD VSM that just rocks on vocals. I bought mine from AMS for around $600.00. The VSM is one of the most under-rated mics around. You may look around for a used one.
Out of all the budget tube mics we've used and tested – which has been most of the mics on the market – the MXL V69ME gives a sound more like the older vintage mics. It's quite colored and somewhat dark. Excellent mic.

I reviewed the V69ME...
i recently had a session and a neumann m269 was rented for the session. it was an amazing mic which the v69 and ntk dont come close to. they are good mics and cost about 1/10th of the 269 and can sit well in a studio. if you really want a vintage quality tube mic id say save your cash for a long time (for me at least). damn that 269 was fuckin amazing, we used it on almost every overdub for the session and as the overhead in a 3 mic drum arrangement. mainly used it and the kick and just added the royer which was snare for color. id trade a testicle for one i think.
why? I just been trying to imagine up some differences in my head after all day comparing cheap LDC SS and tube mics and it's very very subtle. Barely worth it. Add some eq, compression, reverb, and forget the suble differences, they're all identical, but it's also 1 a.m., been doing this for 12 hours, I might change my mind tomorrow, but I doubt it.