cheap keyboard?

FYI, this keyboard is NOT General MIDI. It has only 12 polyphony, and only 5 channels multitimbral.

Here's the hints...
If you're gonna use the keyboard for sequencing / inputing notes to your PC sequencer only (eg. you will use softsynth), then it *will* work. I'm not sure if it's keys have velocity respons/aftertouch/sensitivity. But you can edit those latter.

If you think you're gonna need it's internal sound to record, then get something better. By the way it's described, I can tell as soon as you try it, you'll regret it's sound. Get yourself *at least* the one GM compatible with 8MB sound chip. You'll also want to make sure it has velocity respons, after touch, sustain pedal, etc.

Look for yamaha psr keyboards, they are inexpensive and a good starter for general midi applications.
For that price you're better of bying a midi-controller. Look into the Roland controllers. They have velocity respons/aftertouch and all that, but most importantly IMO, they have keys that have the same width as real piano keys.
Look for something like this (it seems as though this one can't be purchased inthe US):

The price of this one is about 100,- in US currency.
I agree with Laynestaley, especially in this day of killer softsynths. You can get a far better keyboard for less money if you go the controller-only route.

Besides the Roland/Edirol models, there are a ones from Yamaha, Korg, M-Audio and StudioLogic