Cheap Headphones with no leakage!!!

busted kitty

New member
Heres an awesome tip for those of you looking for a good set of headphones that won't bleed into the vocal and drum mics.

A sound guy I know builds headphones into protective hearing muffs. No kidding, this guy takes Peltor hearing muffs (the kind that have the headband at the top), opens them up, and installs Audio Technica drivers in them. He then uses really high quality mic cord and 1/4 inch connectors.

If you know how to do good soldering work, you could build a pair of these for dirt cheap. The drivers are actually quite cheap to buy.

They aren't uncomfortable to wear either. Bleed is pretty much nonexistant, even when the volume is blasting in your ears (drummers......ahem......).
Cheap Headphones with no leakage.

The idea of using Peltor hearing protectors is a good one. A few weeks ago I had the same idea. I built a pair of leak-proof headphones using a pair of Peltor protectors acquired from work and the transducers from a cheapo headset/mike that is commonly used for PC work. They only cost £4 at a local Computer Fair.

They work really well when recording vocals into my Zoom MRS-1044 Mk II. To get the transducers close to my ears I padded them out from behind with a wad of air filtration fibre. They deliver a clear, not too bassy, monitor sound that is plenty good enough for the purpose they serve.

Go ahead and make yourself a set. You'll be pleased you did.

I had a pair made for me. They kick ass for recording. I wouldn't want to mix with them, but for recording drums and vocals you can't beat 'em. They cost me less that 1/3 the price of a good set of used sealed phones.