Cheap grahpics card to support 2 monitors?

Ok, this gets more complicated the further i get. as usual.

my laptop is a dell 9300. it has a DVI out and a VGA out on the back.

my new monitor is a samsung 204b. it is DVI only i think.

i want to hook up the samsung to a KVM switch box so that i can switch it bewteen my laptop and my Desktop.

I can buy a VGA KVM switch for around £10. i can buy a DVI switch box for around £80 :eek: :eek:

should i just get the VGA box and then buy a DVI to VGA adapter??

would that make the picture qaulity noticeably worse?

cheers for any help
Ok, ive sorted this out.

the samusng 204b has both connections on the back. so i can plug the dvi into the laptop and teh vga into the desktop. then there is a switch on the monitor thats changes between Analouge and digital. and violla!!

It better be that simple when i get it :)
Haha, sounds about right, as long as the monitor has both types of connectors.

I havent noticed a difference in picture quality going from DVI to VGA, the adapters usually come with the graphics cards, so you may even have one laying around somewhere.

Best thing that might help you understand if it will work or not is just draw a simple little diagram in paint or something. Post it here if you're unsure!