Cheap/DIY Active Monitor attenuator?


New member
I running a Tascam FW-1804 and Tannoy Actives and its very loud even with the knob right down, is there some thing i can plonk between the monitors and the tascam that will lower the volume without affecting the sound. I know i could turn down the master in logic but that just lowers the bit depth right?

I running a Tascam FW-1804 and Tannoy Actives and its very loud even with the knob right down, is there some thing i can plonk between the monitors and the tascam that will lower the volume without affecting the sound. I know i could turn down the master in logic but that just lowers the bit depth right?


doesn't the Tascam have an output volume knob?

And don't quote me, but I'm virtually positive changing the output level in Logic won't do a thing to the bit depth - it doesn't change your files, only how they're played back.
It does have a volume knob


even on like a setting of 3 or so its way too loud, and anything below that the right channel becomes quieter then the left... so theres no control, its either LOUD or nothing...

i think i read somewhere that it play back at a lower bit depth if you lower the master... and i always forget to put it up when bouncing and end up with ridiculously quiet mixes...

Why don't you turn down the volume control on the back of the monitors? Try setting them both to 3/4 volume.

they're the older active Tannoys that dont have a volume control on them:(...

if i couldve done these things i probably wouldve :P
they're the older active Tannoys that dont have a volume control on them:(...

if i couldve done these things i probably wouldve :P
Why not get a small mixer and take the output of the tascam into a stereo channel on the mixer. You can also use the mic preamps for your 4 line inputs if it has direct output/inserts. Shouldn't be too expensive... :D
A Mackie Big Knob could be used to handle the monitors.

As the name says its got a very BIG volume knob.
they're the older active Tannoys that dont have a volume control on them:(...

if i couldve done these things i probably wouldve :P

Sorry, I went to the Tannoy site and they all seemed to have volume controls.

I suspect the problem is that the old Tannoys have an input level of -10dB and the Tascam has a +4dB output. The new Tannoys are +4dB. If you are using a jack plug input and there is an XLR, try the XLR as some old gear had-10dB on The jack and +4dB on the XLR.

If all else fails build a pad, They are easy to build I have them all over the place due to having -10dB and +4 dB gear mixed up.

