Cheap but good acoustics (yeah i know this has been covered before, sorry but........


New member
I'm close to the end of my studio modeling and all that's left to do is paint, carpet, install lights, cover the windows, maybe redo some wall and put in a wall........well......maybe i'm not "That" close to the end :D, anyway, i'm on a real tight budget (mom cut of my funding :D ) so, i was thinking of buying alot of that yellow egg shale foam and some foam sheets and do this:

The vocal room: Do the whole room and the floor with the foam board (or sheet) and maybe dubble layer it. then put the carpet down on the floor and cover the walls and top with the egg shall.

The control room: I don't plan to "Kill" the acoustic sound in the room, but just "Tone it down a little" I was thinking of covering almost 60% of one wall with egg shale and do a square shape of egghall on one wall and the ceiling. The square shape i'm talking about is this: /\ It looks like a triangle almost, but is a
Square if you turn it back right. ANd i'm still thinking about whiether to put down wood flooring (the sq. ft kind you get at the home depot) or just the same carpet i use in the whole studio.

will all this work?

Any ideas or anything about stuff that will help the rooms for a cheap price would be greatly apresheated (yeah i know spelling :D )


I think many might have the fear that the egg shell foam will only reduce your high freqs. bouncing around in the room, and potentially making your room sound worse than if you left it untreated. Also, I think there may be the fear of a fire hazard.

What I might suggest as an alternative, and which actually might be a little cheaper, would to take a look at John Sayers site, and see what he has to say about room treatments. Then you may be able to "spot" treat some problem areas, by actually building some of your diffusers, treatment panels, etc...., if you feel you even have these problems. I am certainly not the acoustical expert that John is, nor many others here, but you see the egg shell stuff in peoples home setups USUALLY because it seems similar (in shape) to the foam you can buy, and I think therefore many think it will do the same job.

Also, you may consider alternatives like hanging drapes(or get the idea) which potentially might look better, but also have the advantage of being opened or pulled together, to give you a variety of treatments. You may for instance want a nice "live" room to set your drums up in. Then...maybe pull the drapes to kill some of the waves bouncing around when you do overdub vocal tracks, or whatever. Certainly not the most effective or "correct" way to do things, but I believe a lot of other studios do similar treatments.

Maybe consider building some "gobos" that should be fairly easy projects, and are moveable and can come in particularily handy if you are tracking alot of instruments at the same time.

OR... try nothing at all at first. If you are close micing most of your stuff, using direct inputs like synths, drum machines, PODS, treatments don't really play into the equation. Maybe fix a little corner for your vocals. That might be all you need to do at first. You may find out that you might not need to do as much as you think and can spend your money on studio "refreshments" instead!! too... want to see progress pictures also...

good luck
Booda said:
...down right dangerous!

How so? Fire?

Just curious,
Egg crate foam on the walls!?
A lamp gets left on that's too close to it; a spark from an outlet; a short in some wiring; the whole place would go up like a match.

Remember the club scene?
ok. i'll look at john's site. i tryed to pull it up the other night, but i got this page about some guy's murder trial. (???)


ok. i'll look at john's site. i tryed to pull it up the other night, but i got this page about some guy's murder trial. (???)



you forgot the "L" :D
frederic said:
you forgot the "L"
Yanno, that wasn't really funny the first time, now its rather irritating. was supposed to be the "SLayer site...

yeah...we'll give it a rest....sorry:)
Ok. I whent to John's site and found how i want to treat my control room. I need 4 bass traps in the corners, 2 rear wall absorbers and 2 wall absorbers (spelling?) The only thing is, although john's instructions where easy to read, they didn't tell me what i need, so can some one tell me the materials need to make these?
well, i've made my choice. I think it would be better to wait and save up more money for proper room treating materials insted of spending $150 on stuff that doesn't sound like it should or the best it can sound.
well, i've made my choice. I think it would be better to wait and save up more money for proper room treating materials insted of spending $150 on stuff that doesn't sound like it should or the best it can sound.

And that choice is?:confused: