changing volume sliders mid song


New member
ok so i have this song. sometimes theres 1 guitar, sometimes theres 7 of them. i had to get it all rigged up with copying tracks and increasing the velocity on those, to make it appear louder/softer, but i want to record my self using the volume sliders mid song. only problem is: if im using the master volume sliders, how do i get them to both go to a pre-determined place at the same time, and right to it? i can drag them down one at a time, but its not instantanious and im obivously doing one at a time, which is no good. now, i can leave master alone, and play with the single track slider, but still, i cant slide it down that fast and to the correct level, in the blink of an eye. is there any way to set up something so i can use a key on my keyboard (not music keyboard) to go to a pre-determined volume, or can i slide them like i do now, but edit it some way so that its instantanious?

please try not to lose me, i know the basics of cakewalk but i am not a master of it by any means :)

Hey Mega,

I'll give this one a try..

First of all, you might want to go ahead and
group the Master faders together. You can
do this by right clicking on the fader. A menu
should appear. At that point you want to
"Assign to a group". You will then get a color
bar and all you have to do is assign it a color
then do the same to the right fader and assign
the same color. They are now grouped together.

You can do the same to any of the other faders
that you want also. I normally group the faders
together once I have gotten close to the balance
I want. And you can create submixes this way

Now for the second part of what you are trying
to can create a snapshot of the console
at the point in which you want the faders to change
and it will become an automatic function during

To do this..Play the song to the point where
you want to make the change.. Stop playback
and move the faders where you want them to
be..take a snapshot using the camera icon
in the console the update button
its the icon that looks like a fader..i believe (sorry
Im not looking at Cakewalk at the moment)

Play the song and the faders should move to
where you set them when you took the snapshot..
at that point in the song

Let me know how it goes....